Statistical and spectral analyses of the manipulation of a canonical zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer using static roughness and low-frequency dynamic roughness patches are presented. A shift of spectral energy away from the wall downstream of the roughness patch is observed. The dynamic roughness is shown to disrupt the structure of the boundary layer, while embedding its periodic signature in an extensive stretch of the downstream flow field.
I. BackgroundZero-pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer flow over a flat plate has been studied extensively and significant progress has been made towards a conceptual understanding of the structure and evolution of turbulence. Near the wall, a process of ejections and sweeps of fluid, often described as a bursting phenomenon, is thought to contribute significantly to the production of turbulence. These ejection and sweep motions constitute a near-wall cycle of fluid motions which have a controlling influence on the Reynolds stress near the wall and are closely associated with vortex structures located throughout the wall region 1 .
2Much of this same general framework applies equally to the case of a uniformly rough flat plate, however roughness is thought to alter the mechanics of fluid entrainment and ejection at the wall -producing a more violent entrainment and nearly vertical ejection due to roughness geometry. Thus, the rough wall condition permanently disturbs the buffer layer viscous cycle of the corresponding smooth wall.3 Both of these wellstudied flow situations present an equilibrium turbulent boundary layer, where the flow can be described entirely in terms of local turbulent processes. The less studied problem of non-equilibrium boundary layers, which depend on non-local factors, is acutely interesting because of the insight it potentially offers into the dynamic processes of the evolution of turbulent structure. In addition, these non-equilibrium situations are of significant practical interest, 4 with relevance to pipes, wings, or other flow surfaces over which surface roughness and other properties change passively, and also in which control systems are designed to actively perturb flows.Flow over a surface which transitions between a rough and smooth boundary condition offers the simplest case for non-equilibrium behavior downstream of transition. For the transition from a smooth to rough surface, studied by Antonia and Luxton, 5 the return to equilibrium was observed by the development of an internal layer which was born at the transition point and grew quickly to the edge of the boundary layer itself, thereby re-establishing equilibrium within twenty boundary-layer thicknesses. The transition from a rough to smooth wall condition showed significantly slower growth of the corresponding internal layer and experimentally the restoration of equilibrium was never observed.6 Subsequently, the problem of a spatial impulse of roughness on an otherwise smooth boundary was considered by Andreopoulos and Wood, 7 since it provided an opportuni...