Implemented since 2004, TPLC (Total Pollution Load Control) is the most powerful water-quality protection program. Recently, uncertainty of prediction using steady state model increased due to changing water environments, and necessity of a dynamic state model, especially the watershed model, gained importance. For application of watershed model on TPLC, it needs to be feasible to adjust the relationship (mass-balance) between discharged loads estimated by technical guidance, and arrived loads based on observed data at the watershed outlet. However, at HSPF, simulation is performed as a semi-distributed model (lumped model) in a sub-basin. Therefore, if the estimated discharged loads from individual pollution source is directly entered as the point source data into the RCHRES module (without delivery ratio), the pollutant load is not reduced properly until it reaches the outlet of the sub-basin. The hypothetic RCHRES generated using the HSPF BMP Reach Toolkit was applied to solve this problem (although this is not the original application of Reach Toolkit). It was observed that the impact of discharged load according to spatial distribution of pollution sources in a sub-basin, could be expressed by multi-segmentation of the hypothetical RCHRES. Thus, the discharged pollutant load could be adjusted easily by modification of the infiltration rate or characteristics of flow control devices.