In this study, we have investigated the carrier transport mechanism across silicon nanocrystals with the Al/ p-Si/ Si nanocrystals/Al structure. Sizes of silicon nanocrystals were controlled at diameters of ϳ6, ϳ8, and ϳ11 nm. It is shown that the conductivity of silicon nanocrystals, both as-grown and annealed, exhibits ϰ exp͓−͑T 0 / T͔͒ 1/2 behavior under low electrical fields and over a wide temperature range. The phenomenon of material constant T 0 increasing with the decrease of nanocrystal size has been observed. Considering nanocrystal size effect, experimental results can be explained by the hopping-percolation model. The influence of nanocrystal size on transport properties has been discussed. Based on this model, changes in T 0 after annealing treatment are attributed to an increase in effective decay length.