KTH School of Information andCommunication Technology SE-164 40 Kista SWEDEN Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungl Tekniska högskolan framlägges till offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen i elektronik fredagen den 26 januari 2007 klockan 9.00 i Sal E, Forumhuset, Kungl Tekniska högskolan, Isafjordsgatan 39, Kista.
© Petra Färm, januari 2007Tryck: Universitetsservice US AB iii Abstract A conventional logic synthesis flow is composed of three separate phases: technology independent optimization, technology mapping, and technology dependent optimization. A fundamental problem with such a three-phased approach is that the global logic structure is decided during the first phase without any knowledge of the actual technology parameters considered during later phases. Although technology dependent optimization algorithms perform some limited logic restructuring, they cannot recover from fundamental mistakes made during the first phase, which often results in non-satisfiable solutions.We present a global optimization approach combining technology independent optimization steps with technology dependent objectives in an annealing-based framework. We prove that, for the presented move set and selection distribution, detailed balance is satisfied and thus the annealing process asymptotically converges to an optimal solution. Furthermore, we show that the presented approach can smoothly trade-off complex, multiple-dimensional objective functions and achieve competitive results. The combination of technology independent and technology dependent objectives is handled through dynamic weighting. Dynamic weighting reflects the sensitivity of the local graph structures with respect to the actual technology parameters such as gate sizes, delays, and power levels. The results show that, on average, the presented advanced annealing approach can improve the area and delay of circuits optimized using the Boolean optimization technique provided by SIS with 11.2% and 32.5% respectively.Furthermore, we demonstrate how the developed logic synthesis framework can be applied to two emerging technologies, chemically assembled nanotechnology and molecule cascades. New technologies are emerging because a number of physical and economic factors threaten the continued scaling of CMOS devices. Alternatives to silicon VLSI have been proposed, including techniques based on molecular electronics, quantum mechanics, and biological processes. We are hoping that our research in how to apply our developed logic synthesis framework to two of the emerging technologies might provide useful information for other designers moving in this direction.iv