Chemical analyses from 71 watersheds across an ~450 km transect in west-centralPanama provide insight into controls on weathering and rates of chemical denudation and CO 2 consumption across an igneous arc terrain in the tropics. Stream and river compositions across this region of Panama are generally dilute, having a total dissolved solute value = 118 ± 91 mg/L, with bicarbonate and silica being the predominant dissolved species. Solute, stable isotope, and radio genic isotope compositions are consistent with dissolution of igneous rocks present in Panama by meteoric precipitation, with geochemical signatures of rivers largely acquired in their upstream regions. Comparison of a head water basin with its entire watershed observed considerably more runoff production from the high-elevation upstream portion of the catchment than in its much more spatially extensive downstream region. Rock alteration profiles document that weathering proceeds primarily by dissolution of feldspar and pyrox ene, with base cations effectively leached in the following sequence: Na > Ca >
Mg > K. Control on water chemistry by bedrock lithology is indicated through a linking of elevated ([Na + K]/[Ca + Mg]) ratios in watersto a high proportion of catchment area silicic bedrock and low ratios to mafic bedrock. Sr-isotope ratios are dominated by basementderived Sr, with only very minor, if any, contribution from other sources. Cation weather-ing of Ca sil + Mg sil + Na + K spans about an order in magnitude, from 3 to 32 tons/km 2 /yr. Strong positive correlations of chemical denudation and CO 2 consumption are observed with precipitation, mean watershed elevation, extent of land surface forest cover, and physical erosion rate.