DOI: 10.24854/jpu02019-238
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The Work-Life Balance of Blue-Collar Workers: the Role of Employee Engagement and Burnout

Abstract: — The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of employee engagement and burnout on the perception of work-life balance, particularly on blue-collar workers.  The study sample comprised of 91 employees of the production section (blue-collar workers) in a multinational company in Jababeka-Cikarang. Sampling was carried out using a stratified technique of proportional approach.  The instruments used in this study are The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-GS), and Work… Show more

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Cited by 9 publications
(10 citation statements)
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“…Job crafting is a way for workers to rearrange their work and change their view of the work to be completed according to the abilities and needs of individual workers [25]. Meanwhile, work engagement is able to have an impact that someone will feel meaningful or useful and can blend in the organizational environment so that it has the goal of increasing the ability to work within the company and workers who are engaged with their work will strive hard at work and have loyalty to the [2], [35]. Work engagement has an important contribution to employee performance [36].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Job crafting is a way for workers to rearrange their work and change their view of the work to be completed according to the abilities and needs of individual workers [25]. Meanwhile, work engagement is able to have an impact that someone will feel meaningful or useful and can blend in the organizational environment so that it has the goal of increasing the ability to work within the company and workers who are engaged with their work will strive hard at work and have loyalty to the [2], [35]. Work engagement has an important contribution to employee performance [36].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Over the past two decades, research on the mismatch between previous education and the type of work currently occupied by worker has increased, in February 2019 the Central Statistics Agency said that 63% of 129.36 million workers experienced mismatch in Indonesia [1]. Education is one of the factors that most influencing toward the unemployment rate because of the large number of educational backgrounds that are not in accordance with the intended job, and if an individual gets a job that is not in accordance with the field of education they were in, Robst 415 explained this is called a horizontal education mismatch [2]. The problem of horizontal education mismatch has actually been going on for a long time, especially in Jakarta, which is the capital of the country that become the destination of prospective workers from the regions and very few people who are discussing this horizontal education mismatch due to the fact that people think that it is a common thing compared to if they had to be unemployed.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In this present study, the NSE workers are sales personnel, service crew personnel, and logistics personnel deployed in service and manufacturing industries. On the other hand, Wardani and Firmansyah (2019), found that blue-collar workers do not consider work-life balance when managing their workload. This is a reality in many firms where work-life balance is not talked about or considered as part of human resource interventions.…”
Section: Level Of Work-life Balance Of Nse Workersmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Hal ini dapat terjadi karena pada pekerja yang memiliki work engagement yang tinggi akan bekerja dengan lebih bergairah, bertenaga, akan mengerahkan usaha yang lebih, dan melakukan halhal positif, yang pada akhirnya akan memberikan dampak positif terhadap perusahaan (Astuti, Mimba, & Ratnadi, 2016;Widiasih, 2017). Selain itu work engagement juga memberikan pengaruh pada aspek-aspek lain dalam dunia kerja seperti burnout dan work-life balance (Wardani & Firmansyah, 2019), oleh karena itu mengapa work engagement menjadi sangat penting dalam sebuah perusahaan ataun organisasi. Untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan work engagement, maka perlu adanya kesesuaian kompentensi dengan mensinergikan keterlibatan dari berbagai pihak diantaranya adalah pengusaha, dan pendidik agar dapat meningkatkan kompentesi pekerja (Irwin, 2008).…”
Section: Diskusi Dan Pembahasanunclassified