Resumo: O estudo da interação terapêutica possibilita conhecer variáveis interpessoais responsáveis pelas mudanças ocorridas nos comportamentos do cliente e poderá auxiliar na prática de forma a identificar comportamentos do terapeuta que tornam a intervenção mais eficaz. A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo descrever os comportamentos da interação terapêutica, a partir de análises sequenciais, tendo o comportamento do terapeuta como categoria critério. Participaram dois universitários com transtorno de ansiedade social e uma terapeuta. A terapia realizada foi individual, analítico comportamental, incluindo o treino de habilidades sociais. Abstract: The study of therapeutic interaction enables know interpersonal variables responsible for changes in customer behavior and may help in practice to identify therapist behaviors that make the most effective intervention. This study aimed to describe the behaviors of therapeutic interaction, from sequential analysis, and the therapist's behavior as category criteria. They attended two college with social anxiety disorder and a therapist. The therapy was performed individual, behavioral analytic, including social skills training. Eleven sessions each client were categorized using the Multidimensional System categories protocol behaviors Categorization in Interaction Therapy (SiMCCIT) and The Observer software. Sequence analysis was performed with the therapist's behavior as a criterion. The results of sequential analysis points out that the behavior of the Report Request therapist and Facilitation favored customer report, the categories Information, Interpretation and Recommendation favored the occurrence of Customer Agreement. With the sequential analysis was possible to find some therapist's behavior patterns and customer, one of the therapist's management that favored a warm atmosphere and facilitated both the client's account as the establishment of relations.