“…Porath (23) and Ackers (8) have already shown that Kui is a function of the size of the species i (e.g., hydrated radius, jR¡), but to be more exact, Ka of the ionic species should depend not only on the size of the sample ion (Rs) but also on that of the counterion (Rx) because of the requirement of the electrical neutrality (5). Hence, the general expression for Ke,g* can be written Kjx = f(Rsfix) (18) If Ra » Rx, the contribution of Rx to Ka,ax can be neglected Ka,F = /(fis) (19) On the other hand, when Ra « Rx Ka,F = /(fix) (20) F^Kg) are thus given by the following equations corresponding to eq 19 and 20, respectively: Ra » Rx Fx(K5) = log /(Rs) -log /(fix) (21) fis…”