Despite considerable progress in our understanding of the interplay between immune and endocrine systems, the role of thyroid hormones and their receptors in the control of adaptive immunity is still uncertain. Here, we investigated the role of thyroid hormone receptor (TR)  1 signaling in modulating dendritic cell (DC) physiology and the intracellular mechanisms underlying these immunoregulatory effects. Exposure of DCs to triiodothyronine (T 3 ) resulted in a rapid and sustained increase in Akt phosphorylation independently of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation, which was essential for supporting T 3 -induced DC maturation and interleukin (IL)-12 production. This effect was dependent on intact TR 1 signaling as small interfering RNA-mediated silencing of TR 1 expression prevented T 3 -induced DC maturation and IL-12 secretion as well as Akt activation and IB-⑀ degradation. In turn, T 3 up-regulated TR 1 expression through mechanisms involving NF-B, suggesting an autocrine regulatory loop to control hormone-dependent TR 1 signaling. These findings were confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis, which disclosed a new functional NF-B consensus site in the promoter region of the TRB1 gene. Thus, a T 3 -induced NF-B-dependent mechanism controls TR 1 expression, which in turn signals DCs to promote maturation and function via an Akt-dependent but PI3K-independent pathway. These results underscore a novel unrecognized target that regulates DC maturation and function with critical implications in immunopathology at the crossroads of the immune-endocrine circuits.The endocrine and immune systems are interconnected via a bidirectional network in which hormones affect immune function, and, in turn, immune responses are reflected in neuroendocrine changes. This bidirectional communication is possible as both systems share common ligands (hormones and cytokines) and their specific receptors (1). Thyroid hormones (TH) 5 play critical roles in differentiation, growth, and metabolism. The classic genomic actions of TH are mediated by nuclear TH receptors (TR) that act mainly as hormone-inducible transcription factors. Several TR␣ and TR isoforms are encoded by the TRA and TRB genes, respectively. The TR␣ 1 , TR␣ 2 , TR 1 , and TR 3 isoforms are widely expressed, whereas TR 2 is predominantly restricted to the hypothalamus-pituitary axis (2). Recent emerging evidence has also characterized the interactions of TR with co-repressor proteins, namely the nuclear co-repressor and the silencing mediator of retinoid and TH receptors. These effects involve histone deacetylase activity that mediates TR silencing in the absence of triiodothyronine (T 3 ) and several co-activator proteins that exhibit histone acetylase activity in the presence of this hormone (2). However, the notion of classical or genomic mechanisms as unique actions mediated by TRs has been challenged in the past decade by descriptions of TH actions that involve extranuclear (nongenomic) effects in a variety of cell types. These TH-dependent ...