The present study describes catalytic cracking experiments developed in a novel CREC Riser Simulator using 1,3,5-Tri-iso-propyl-benzene and two FCC catalysts with different crystal sizes (0.4-μm and 0.9-μm diameter). The experiments are modeled using an unsteady state model for both gas and catalyst phases. It is found that a quasi-steady state approximation can be used for the catalyst and changes in the gas phase can be accounted, under the allowed model simplifications, with a relatively simple unsteady state equation. The model is completed using two catalytic decay models, with one of them involving a decay function based on "reactant converted". Experimental and modeling observations point towards an overall cracking reaction rate controlled by diffusion at 350°C -450°C with this rate shifting to one being controlled by the intrinsic cracking reaction at 500°C -550°C.(*) Author to whom correspondence may be addressed 2
1-IntroductionThe oil refining industry has experienced in recent years, a dramatic increase in the price and availability of crude oil. In this respect, new catalyst technology is needed to process heavier feedstocks and to produce more environmentally friendly products.The currently available 60-μm commercial FCC catalysts are manufactured with 1-2-μm Y-zeolite crystals dispersed in an amorphous silicaalumina matrix . The majority of the active sites are located within the zeolite pore structure. In order for the reaction to proceed, molecules have to diffuse through the large matrix pores into the zeolite crystals.As a result, only certain hydrocarbon species with a kinetic diameter smaller than 10.2 Å can penetrate the zeolite pores (Leiby, 1992). Hence the relationship between catalytic cracking reaction and diffusional processes can determine the extent of cracking and greatly influence the product selectivity. Such phenomena are complex and theoretical models to describe such systems are needed (Bidabehere and Sedran, 2000).Diffusion in catalysts belongs in many cases to the Knudsen regime.However, diffusion in zeolites falls more in a so-called "configurational regime", since the size of the hydrocarbon molecule is nearly the size of the zeolite inner channels (Karger and Ruthven, 1992; Gates et al,1979). As a result, diffusion of the hydrocarbon molecules is governed by an almost continuous interaction between the zeolite crystal and the diffusing molecules (Karger and Ruthven,1992;Gates et al,1979). In addition, there may be compounded effects 3 with larger hydrocarbon molecules hindering the diffusion of smaller molecules.As a result, lighter product molecules may be trapped or delayed in a zeolite pore network already filled with sorbed heavier molecules (Gates et al, 1979). The 1,3,5-TIPB is a relatively bulky molecule with a critical molecular diameter of about 9.5 Å (Bhatai, 1991). Due to its large size, it has been used to simulate the diffusional constrains expected in the catalytic cracking of gas oil (Aguiar et al, 1995). For instance, the cracking of 1,3,5-TIPB ...