SUMMARYAfter having finished the FE computer run and determined the temperature vector of a heat conducting body the question arises how to present these results in an easily understood way. The only tool to manage this task satisfactorily is the application of graphics. This paper reflects the due historical roots and gives an overlook of the relevant developments. Recently, there have been special advantages concerning finite element results presentations of temperature fields. This concerns the temperature field colouring, which can be considered as an indirect method of contouring, and the direct method of contouring, which means finding and connecting points of equal temperature. In the 3-D case these features are to be combined with hidden surface or hidden line removal techniques to give easily perceptible pictures. Sometimes, not just the temperatures but the heat fluxes attract the main interest. An adequate method is the drawing of heat flux arrows. This is taken into account, too. With 2-D problems, the presentations of temperature distributions by mountains is popular.