The Escherichia coli mannitol transporter (II Mtl ) comprises three domains connected by flexible linkers: a transmembrane domain (C) and two cytoplasmic domains (A and B). II Mtl catalyzes three successive phosphoryl-transfer reactions: one intermolecular (from histidine phosphocarrier protein to the A domain) and two intramolecular (from the A to the B domain and from the B domain to the incoming sugar bound to the C domain). A key functional requirement of II Mtl is that the A and B cytoplasmic domains be able to rapidly associate and dissociate while maintaining reasonably high occupancy of an active stereospecific AB complex to ensure effective phosphoryl transfer along the pathway. We have investigated the rate of intramolecular domain-domain association and dissociation in IIBA Mtl by using 1 H relaxation dispersion spectroscopy in the rotating frame. The open, dissociated state (comprising an ensemble of states) and the closed, associated state (comprising the stereospecific complex) are approximately equally populated. The first-order rate constants for intramolecular association and dissociation are 1.7 (Ű0.3) Ű 10 4 and 1.8 (Ű0.4) Ű 10 4 s Ű1 , respectively. These values compare to rate constants of Ï·500 s Ű1 for A 3 B and B 3 A phosphoryl transfer, derived from qualitative lineshape analysis of 1 H-15 N correlation spectra taken during the course of active catalysis. Thus, on average, Ï·80 association/ dissociation events are required to effect a single phosphoryltransfer reaction. We conclude that intramolecular phosphoryl transfer between the A and B domains of II Mtl is rate-limited by chemistry and not by the rate of formation or dissociation of a stereospecific complex in which the active sites are optimally apposed.domain motion Í NMR Í protein dynamics Í relaxation dispersion Í phosphotransferase system T he bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP):sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) is a signaling pathway whereby sequential, reversible phosphoryl transfer via a series of transient bimolecular complexes is coupled to sugar uptake across the membrane (1). The transporter (enzyme II Mtl ) of the mannitol branch of the PTS consists of a single polypeptide chain organized into three domains, IIC Mtl , IIB Mtl , and IIA Mtl (from the N to C terminus), connected by flexible linkers (1). The phosphoryl group is transferred from the histidine phosphocarrier protein (HPr) to IIA Mtl via a bimolecular reaction and subsequently from IIA Mtl to IIB Mtl , and finally onto the incoming sugar bound to the cytoplasmic side of IIC Mtl via unimolecular reactions. A key functional feature of II Mtl is that intramolecular association and dissociation between the A and B domains must be fast to allow for effective phosphoryl transfer along the pathway.Relaxation measurements, including relaxation dispersion, have been used to study dynamics of enzyme function and protein folding on milli-to microsecond time scales (2-10). Recent work has suggested that the dynamics of atomic motions observed by relaxation dispersion a...