Linking microscopic and macroscopic behavior is at the heart of many natural and social sciences. This apparent similarity conceals essential differences across disciplines: Although physical particles are assumed to optimize the global energy, economic agents maximize their own utility. Here, we solve exactly a Schellinglike segregation model, which interpolates continuously between cooperative and individual dynamics. We show that increasing the degree of cooperativity induces a qualitative transition from a segregated phase of low utility toward a mixed phase of high utility. By introducing a simple function that links the individual and global levels, we pave the way to a rigorous approach of a wide class of systems, where dynamics are governed by individual strategies.socioeconomy | statistical physics | segregation | phase transition | coordination T he intricate relations between the individual and collective levels are at the heart of many natural and social sciences. Different disciplines wonder how atoms combine to form solids (1, 2), neurons give rise to consciousness (3, 4), or individuals shape societies (5, 6). However, scientific fields assume distinct points of view for defining the "normal", or "equilibrium", aggregated state. Physics looks at the collective level, selecting the configurations that minimize the global free energy (2). In contrast, economic agents behave in a selfish way, and equilibrium is attained when no agent can increase its own satisfaction (7). Although similar at first sight, the two approaches lead to radically different outcomes.In this paper, we illustrate the differences between collective and individual dynamics on an exactly solvable model similar to Schelling's segregation model (8). The model considers individual agents that prefer a mixed environment, with dynamics that lead to segregated or mixed patterns at the global level. A "tax" parameter monitors continuously the agents' degree of altruism or cooperativity, i.e., their consideration of the global welfare. At high degrees of cooperativity, the system is in a mixed phase of maximal utility. As the altruism parameter is decreased, a phase transition occurs, leading to segregation. In this phase, the agents' utilities remain low, in spite of continuous efforts to maximize their satisfaction. This paradoxical result of Schelling's segregation model (8) has generated an abundant literature. Many papers have simulated how the global state depends on specific individual utility functions, as reviewed by ref. 9. There have been attempts at solving Schelling's model analytically, in order to provide more general results (10, 11). However, these approaches are limited to specific utility functions. More recently, physicists have tried to use a statistical physics approach to understand the segregation transition (12-14). The idea seems promising because statistical physics has successfully bridged the micro-macro gap for physical systems governed by collective dynamics. However, progress was slowed by lack of an appr...