This study gives an overview of the US government market promotion programs for peanuts as well as the US trading position in international peanut markets. FAS data on the Cooperator (CMDP), Targeted Export Assistance and Market Promotion Programs (TEAIMPP) were examined to identify how program expenditures have been allocated among regions and activities. Analysis shows that during the 1986-1991 period, three-quarters of CMDP, TEA, and MPP funding for peanuts was directed to the European Community, the largest US peanut export market. Moreover, branded consumer promotion has accounted for a large percentage of program expenditures worldwide. 0 1993 John Wiiey & Sons, Inc.The United States is one of the world's largest exporters of peanuts and peanut products. It has accounted for an average one-third of global trade in peanuts during the last decade,' while representing less than 10% of the world's total peanut production. Roughly one-half of the small percentage of global output that