Gender violence consists of a rising world phenomenon that wounds human dignity by countering equality among peoples, with fatal outcomes occurring in all social classes and preferably within the domestic sphere. Corresponding to the male population the exercise of domination by physical and psychological force usually against their partner. The purpose of this study was to understand the perception of the women assisted in the Basic Health Units on gender violence, as well as to know what the BHUs are / can do to prevent it in its territoriality. For this, an integrative review of the literature was carried out, where articles were selected in the databases Scielo, Pubmed and Lilacs, according to the descriptors Violence, woman, public health, gender. Inclusion criteria were articles that were consistent with the theme and were available in full between 2015 and 2018, in English and Portuguese, and excluding articles that did not meet the pre-established criteria. A total of 32 articles were found, in which 10 articles were selected. In which one can conclude the great fragility of the woman affected by violence by the fact that the companions are the main aggressors, involving extremely subjective factors, such as love, affection, the family built next to this man, these being the reasons for the challenge of breaking with violence and that the role of the UBS in relation to this type of violence still has a deficiency due to the little clarification that they have about the possibilities of conduct on the subject.