SummaryComparative studies on the quality of crude oils and protein isolates obtained by traditional and novel technologies. Part 3. Processpecific influences on chemical, physicochemical and functional properties of protein isolates from sunflower seeds The production of protein isolates from sunflower seeds based on traditional technologies of oil seed processing (pre-processing, extraction) and novel technologies of direct extraction and displacement extraction is described. The quality of the isolates is assessed on the basis of their composition and properties.Protein isolates from crushed extraction cake gained by the traditional process of pre-pressing and solvent extraction meet with regard to their composition and properties only partially the requirements of food industry. The same applies to isolates produced by the "refining variant" of the displacement extraction procedure. On the other hand the protein isolates produced by direct and displacement extraction procedures after hydrothermal pretreatment are high quality food additives.
Einfuhrung und ZielstellungBei traditioneller Verarbeitung von Sonnenblumensamen anfallende proteinreiche PreDund Extraktionsriickstande sind u. a. infolge einer hohen thermischen Belastung in ihrem Gebrauchswert stark eingeschrankt, sie werden daher nahezu ausschlieDlich als Futtermittel verwendet. Es besteht jedoch ein volkswirtschaftliches Interesse an der Nutzbarmachung '.