Almost all scenarios that limit climate-change-caused temperature rise to ≤2°C rely on large-scale geologic sequestration to redirect carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions away from the atmosphere and instead into underground storage (IPCC, 2014(IPCC, , 2019. Geologic sequestration is being considered both as a way to prevent carbon emissions from large point source polluters (e.g., fossil fuel energy production, cement manufacturers), and also as a potential negative emissions technology when coupled with bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, or direct air capture (Bui et al., 2018;IEA, 2020;IPCC, 2005IPCC, , 2019. The short-term (i.e., order of decades) security of a geologic sequestration operation in a sedimentary formation relies on two physical mechanisms: (a) the presence of a sound impermeable caprock to enable "structural" trapping of the relatively buoyant CO 2 plume below the caprock (Shukla et al., 2010; Song & Zhang, 2013), and (b) the interfacial interactions between rock-CO 2 -resident brine which break off small bubbles of disconnected CO 2 within the pore structure of the rock formation, termed "capillary" or "residual" trapping (Abidoye