DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12284
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Which types of income matter most for well‐being in China: Absolute, relative or income aspirations?

Abstract: China has experienced remarkable economic growth, but that has not been associated with increases in individual well-being, implying that well-being may not be sensitive to increases in absolute income (AI). Thus, the relationship between well-being and other types of income is worth investigating. This study employed a national sample of 5471 respondents from 31 provinces of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) to compare the effects of AI, relative income (RI) and income aspirations (IA) on individu… Show more

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Cited by 14 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 22 publications
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“…Una revisión exhaustiva de la relación entre el ingreso y el bienestar subjetivo se encuentra en Clark et al (2008). Como pusimos de manifiesto en el marco teórico, existen multitud de estudios sobre la correlación entre los ingresos de las personas y sus niveles de bienestar (Veenhoven, 1991;Diener y Oishi, 2000;Schyns, 2003;Ferrer-i-Carbonell, 2005;Diener y Diener, 2009;Rojas, 2010;Decancq et al, 2015;Bárcena-Martin et al, 2017;Luo et al, 2018).…”
Section: Resultsunclassified
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Una revisión exhaustiva de la relación entre el ingreso y el bienestar subjetivo se encuentra en Clark et al (2008). Como pusimos de manifiesto en el marco teórico, existen multitud de estudios sobre la correlación entre los ingresos de las personas y sus niveles de bienestar (Veenhoven, 1991;Diener y Oishi, 2000;Schyns, 2003;Ferrer-i-Carbonell, 2005;Diener y Diener, 2009;Rojas, 2010;Decancq et al, 2015;Bárcena-Martin et al, 2017;Luo et al, 2018).…”
Section: Resultsunclassified
“…Una revisión de la relación entre el ingreso y el bienestar subjetivo se encuentra en Clark et al (2008). En esta línea, en los trabajos de Ferrer-i-Carbonell (2005) y Luo et al (2018), los ingresos de las personas y sus niveles de bienestar se correlacionan positivamente. Decancq et al (2015) consideran que el bienestar individual depende no solo de los ingresos, sino también de otras dimensiones de la vida, como la salud, la calidad de las relaciones sociales y del medio ambiente, el empleo y la satisfacción laboral.…”
Section: Marco Teóricounclassified
“…Following previous studies, the dependent variable (i.e., income aspiration) in this study is measured as the highest amount that respondents expects to earn [23]. All the participants were asked, "Does your present income per year gratify you, relied on your background (i.e., highest education level, occupational status, career positions, experience, working skills, and socio-demographic factors)?"…”
Section: Dependent Variablementioning
confidence: 99%
“…(2) Among all the migrants (including urban-urban migrants and rural-urban migrants), does rural hukou status have a negative association with rural-urban migrants' aspirations? Based on previous studies conducted on aspirations from the perspective of income [19,[21][22][23][24], we collected data from the 2010 China General Social Survey and explicitly modelled the income aspiration of respondents as a function of hukou status and a series of socioeconomic factors. The findings suggest that rural-urban migrants are more likely to self-deprecate, and that the discrimination against these rural hukou migrants significantly restricted their income aspirations, compared to urban hukou migrants (urban-urban) in non-local urban cities.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Other studies, however, suggest no association between relative income and subjective wellbeing (Diener et al, 1993;Deaton & Stone, 2013;Kifle, 2014;Luo et al, 2016), or even a positive association between the two (Senik, 2004(Senik, , 2008Graham & Felton, 2006;Kingdon & Knight, 2007;Knies et al, 2008;Clark et al, 2009;Dittmann & Goebel, 2010;Davis & Wu, 2014;Ifcher et al, 2017;Bhuiyan, 2018). Defining the 'relative others' to whom people comparei.e., the reference group evidently lies at the core of this literature.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%