Discrimination in Indonesia occurs in the majority of women, such as rape, intimidation, violence, and murder. This was raised by W. S. Rendra and Joko Santoso in his works. Discrimination against women is manifested in the form of marginalization, subordination, stereotypes, violence, and workload. This study aims to describe the forms of discrimination of female leaders and describe the similarities in the form of discrimination of female leaders in the dwilogi of Nyanyian Angsa poetry by W. S. Rendra and the novel Maria Zaitun by Joko Santoso. Researchers use the theory of feminism and intertextual. The theory of feminism is used to determine the form of discrimination of female leaders, while the intertextual theory is used to find equality of forms of discrimination on female leaders. This research method is qualitative descriptive with a content analysis approach. The results showed, 1) the form of discrimination of female leaders in the form of marginalization and stereotypes, 2) intertextually dwilogi Nyanyian Angsa poetry and the novel Maria Zaitun have indications of the similarity of forms of discrimination on female leaders.