The game, which is one of the most basic entertainment elements in life, has become an indispensable part of daily life from the first age people to today's post-modern individuals. Nowadays, most people's need to play games has been transferred to the digital environment thanks to new media channels, and games have been transformed into a phenomenon cultural form. However, the fact that pure visuality is not sufficient for the target audience in game designs has led the designers to seek new applications in the context of visual design. Therefore, with motion graphics and illustrations in game design, designers have handled gamification and advergames, which are also used in many disciplines such as advertising and marketing, with different trends such as artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality. Therefore, the aim of this study is to focus on illustrative-based visual approaches or language developed in terms of graphic design by explaining gamification and advergames in the context of design and new media. Based on all this information, a wide literature review was made within the scope of the study and the data selected within the framework of purposeful sampling were analyzed with qualitative and descriptive methods, and the research article was concluded.