field controlled lasers, light modulators, electric and optical memory elements, and other func tional optoelectronic devices. In the last few years, the emphasis in the study of these compounds has been on their structural [1], magnetic [2], and optical proper ties [3][4][5][6]. Figure 1 presents the current-voltage (I-V) char acteristics of the MnGa 2 Se 4 single crystals. The fol lowing portions are clearly distinguished:(i) sharp growth of current with voltage;(ii) sublinear dependence of current on voltage;(iii) quadratic dependence of current on voltage; and (iv) sharp growth of current with voltage. The observed feature of the I-V characteristics of the single crystal MnGa 2 Se 4 samples is typical of many high resistivity semiconductors and structures on their basis [7][8][9][10][11][12]. In the analysis of the I-V char acteristics of the single crystal MnGa 2 Se 4 samples (In-MnGa 2 Se 4 -In structures) measured in a wide electric field range, we took into account the presence of different portions clearly distinguished in the dependence of exponent α on the electric voltage applied to the structure when describing the I-V char acteristics in the form I ∝ V α .Using the I-V characteristics presented in Fig. 1, we determined the dependences α(V) for the MnGa 2 Se 4 single crystals; the results are shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that at low voltages, α sharply decreases, passes through its minimum, and, with a further increase in voltage, attains its maximum value. We denote the minimum and maximum values of the differential power as α m and α M , respectively, and the corresponding currents and voltages as I m , V m and I M , V M . According to the data presented in Fig. 2, for the sample with the thickness L = 7 × 10 -3 cm and the contact area S = 4 × 10 -2 cm 2 , we determined the fol lowing extreme values at 300 K: α m = 0.6, I m = 10 -13 A, V m = 10.1 V, α M = 6.5, I M = 8 × 10 -12 A, and V M = 365 V.Similar results were obtained for other samples at different temperatures. Knowing the values of α m , I m , Abstract-The current-voltage characteristics of single crystal MnGa 2 Se 4 samples have been studied. The measurements have been performed in the electric field range from the range of validity of Ohm's law to 10 V/cm at temperatures of 300-400 K. The data obtained are discussed within the context of the theory of injection contact phenomena and field ionization of traps due to the Poole Frenkel effect.