The article is devoted to the author’s approach to the formation of management indicators of market sustainability of modern business. The approach is focused on the classical understanding of the market mechanism, which has its own patterns at the current stage of management development, characterized by the high importance of social and ethical marketing, a set of technological costs in the field of production, sales, product promotion and beneficial impact to all community groups. In the course of the study, the resulting and factor indicators were considered: change in income and expenses, direct and indirect ratio of income and profit to process costs for production, sales of products, expenses for corporate social responsibility (strengthening of social well-being as a result of ongoing business activities). These relation-ships between changes in income and expenses were plotted through a combination of their various types (additive, multiplicative, multiple), which help to identify the degree of influence of each factor indicator (element of process costs for marketing activities) on the resulting indicators and take measures to maximize the result and minimize such costs using the computational-constructive method in its interaction with individual elements of mathematical analysis. The material is useful for entrepreneurs of all spheres and branches of activity, people employed in educational and scientific institutions, specializing in economic and management re-search and disciplines, and their students.
The article presents the author's approach to studying the issue of assessing the sustainability of the functioning of light industry organizations for the timely identification of reserves for maximizing financial benefits. The core of such a study was made up of indicators of efficiency and intensification, formed using the computational-constructive method and the method of chain substitutions, related to the traditional indicators for determining the level of success in the implementation of their activities by organizations, adapted to the peculiarities of this sector of the national economy, which is important for humanity in all spheres of its life activity. These features are manifested in the full cycle of business operations of light industry organizations and the movement of the resources they use through three stages of the circulation of capital inherent in material production, in which they function and determine the list of costs associated with its organization, maintenance and sale of products created in it, compared with the proceeds from its implementation. The material is useful for managers and specialists, representatives of science and education in the field of economics and management of light industry and their students.