ADVANCED MATERIALSmaterials can be visualized in terms of different connectivity patterns of the dimer building blocks. This topological idea is illustrated in Figure 5 b,c for the R-SnS-1 and R-SnS-3 structure types. Periodic arrays of interconnected Sn,S, broken-cube clusters result from this kind of assembly scheme. The unique three-coordinate capping sulfide sites of adjacent Sn,S, cluster units, which are found to alternate up then down around the 24-atom and 32-atom ring pores of the R-SnS-1 and R-SnS-3 structure types, respectively, are found to be a natural consequence of the interlinking of (Sn,SJ4" building blocks in the patterns shown in Figures 1 and 5.A cautionary note is in order at this juncture in the discussion of the mode of formation of the R-SnS-n materials. Although the crystallization and structure determination of such species as (CHAH),Sn,S,, (TMA),Sn,S,, and (DAB-COH),Sn(S,), are interesting and informative, and spectroscopic evidence has been found for (SII,S,)~@ dimers in the mother liquors of the R-SnS-n preparations, their actual relationship, if any, to the reactions and mechanisms involved in the formation of the R-SnS-n materials could be circumstantial and must currently be regarded as interesting and motivation for further work on this system. Work is continuing that is aimed at probing the nature and chemistry of the gas, solution, and solid phase species present at various stages in the R-SnS-n syntheses in order to clarify the matter further. Esperimen tal I ( VC H I4~rlugsgetellr~haJr nzbH D-69469 Wemherm, 1994 0935-964819411111-0868 $ 5 00+ 2510