1IntroductionTheo cean is ad ynamic system operating in different time scales,g overning important global processes,s uch as ore formation, bioproductivity and climate changes.D ue to their extremely low concentrations in seawater, trace elements are the key to understanding many of thesep rocesses.T race elements and their isotopes have been explored as proxies for the movement of aquatic masses [1]. Thep rimarys ourceso fd issolveda nd particulatet race metals into the oceans are dust, riverinei nput and continental shelf, i.e., theiri nputsare controlled by continental sources, whereas hydrothermal fluxes are significant for some elementss uch as Mn, and according to newer studies,even Fe [2,3].Thet ransition metalso fg roups IV and Vare characterized by as mall ionic radius and high charges (typically, tetravalent and pentavalent), and despite their relative immobility during processes of rock formation,i th as been shown that in geological systems involving water, such as seawater, estuaries,a nd marine sediments,t hey could become mobileu nder certain conditions [4][5][6][7][8][9].Zirconium occurs as an egatively charged species,s uch as Zr (OH) [11].Z irconium is grouped as aH igh-Field Strength Element (HFSE),w ith as ignificant tendency towards hydrolysis.Z irconium is strongly particle-reactive and is rapidly depleted from solution by interaction with the surface of sinking particles.T his behaviorl eads to al ow truly dissolved concentration of this element in natural waters and as ignificant effect of particles and colloids in its dissolved concentrations [1,4,5,12]. In contrast to HFSEs, whichtypically have only one oxidation state,v anadiumc an present variable oxidation states,V (IV) and V(V). Different redoxs pecies show different affinitiest owards particles and ligands in solution, leading to variations with respect to their biodisponibility and biogeochemistry reactivity.H ence,r edox conditions represent am ajor control over the distribution of these redox-sensitive trace elements. ForV ,o nly the oxidation state + 5i ss table in oxic waters at an eutral pH [13].T he vanadatea nion species, whicha re completely hydrolyzed, such as HVO 4
2À,H 2VO 4 À and the complexN aHVO 4 À , are predominant [ 13].Voltammetric determinations of Zr(IV) as well as V(V) at trace levels are more properly done as complexes of organic compounds [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28].I nap revious paper [29] the adequacy of some of theseligands towards the Zr(IV) determination in natural waters was critically discussed. Thel igand COD showedt he best results for Zr(IV) determination at trace levels.I nt he presents tudy,w ed escribe the sequential determination of Zr(IV) and V(V) in natural waters using adsorptive voltammetric methods based on the accumulation of Zr(IV) and V(V) as cupferron-oxalic acid-1,3-diphenylguanidine (COD) complexes at the HMDE surface.N om ethodu sing the ligandC OD as complexing agent for V(V) was published yet neither individually nor in combinationw ith Zr(IV).Ther...