Abrasi pantai menimbulkan kerusakan secara fisik dan menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan ekosistem karena adanya perubahan bentang alam wilayah pesisir. Jika hal ini terjadi maka akan menggenangi wilayah daratan secara meluas, bahkan sampai pada pemukiman penduduk dalam satu wilayah yang dekat dengan pantai. Keberadaan mangrove dengan berbagai upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan abrasi sangat penting untuk diketahui dan dipahami oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember tahun 2021, yang berlokasi di Dusun Passahakue, Desa Pasimarannu, Kecamatan Sinjai Timur Kabupaten Sinjai dan di Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Sinjai pada Program Studi Ilmu Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, jenis penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif, dengan sumber data yang terdiri dari Data Primer maupun Data Sekunder sebagai pendukung, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara accidental sampling, observasi lapangan, membagikan kuesioner dan melakukan wawancara. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 257 orang sedangkan jumlah sampel 72 orang dengan selang kepercayaan 10%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang yang dilakukan, rata-rata yang diperoleh untuk peran masyarakat dalam pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove guna mitigasi abrasi pantai adalah 2.88 termasuk dalam kategori “cukup baik”.
Mangrove crab catching activity to increase and tends to lead exploitation pressure. This study aims to determine the rate of growth, mortality, and rate of exploitation. Sampling on fishermen and collectors whose fishing locations are in predetermined areas. Measurements taken are using ruler and caliper 0,05 for carapace width. Sample measurements were carried out to obtain information on the dynamics of the mangrove crab population. The results obtained are: length of carapace minimum (Lmin) 61 mm, maximum (Lmax) 173 mm, Asimtot carapace width (L∞) 177,7 mm with growth coefficient (K) 0,1 per year, and the value t0 obtained-0,2907. Total mortality rate (Z) 0,743 per year, natural mortality (M) 0,177 per year and mortality of capture (F) 0,566 per year. The rate of exploitation (E) 0,762 per year, indicating that there has been over exploitation of mangrove crabs in Sinjai District.
Pasimarannu village as one of the villages experiencing coastal abrasion and threatening the settlements of residents living in coastal areas. During the high tide, several houses were submerged by sea water, and during the east and west seasons the wind was strong enough so that the high waves reached under the houses. Attention and effort are needed in anticipating the level of damage that will occur. The community service program is carried out by providing awareness and active participation of the community in protecting the coast through participatory mangrove planting. The method of implementing the activities consists of socialization and FGD on the implementation of the activity plan, Formation of Forest Farmer Groups (KTH), mangrove nurseries, participatory mangrove planting, embroidery, and maintenance, as well as program monitoring and evaluation. Technical activities involve extension workers and forestry technical personnel. The key to the success of this participatory planting is the right planting time to avoid the strong currents and waves in the east monsoon. Routine maintenance activities to anticipate and eradicate oyster pests that damage plants during the vulnerable phase, which is up to 4 months of planting.
Indonesia is the world’s second greatest producer of plastic waste after China. The bulk of waste produced accumulates in metropolitan regions due to the increasing population, and the situation has spread to rural areas with a limited population. The residents of the Sinjai Regency have felt the impact of the growing amount of debris, and it is expected to worsen without immediate action. Coastal locations that accommodate waste from land and water are mostly affected by debris. The study was conducted in Bone Bay, Sinjai Regency’s coastline area. The bay’s condition is sheltered to decrease the current strength, but it varies from season to season. Furthermore, it used shoreline survey methodology, where debris grouping consisted of plastics, metal, rubber, glass, clothing, and others. The debris data were calculated and analyzed based on the seasons of the west (January) and east (July). The data were associated with the current pattern model in Bone Bay waters based on the season. In January and July, 86% of waste was plastic, 3% was metal, 4% was rubber, 2% was clothing, while 5% and 4% were glass. No other types of waste were identified in January, while 1% was detected in July. Garbage that enters through rivers, garbage deposited by local residents, and tourism activities at the four observation areas are all contributing to the presence of waste in Sinjai’s coastal area.
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