The nursing prevention of pressure sores in hospital due to prolonged bed restBackground: A pressure wound is a localized wound in the tissue over the bone that protrudes from continuous pressure over a long period. Pressure sores increase mortality and the length of treatment days. Prevention of pressure To determine the effect of mobilization and massage as nursing prevention of pressure sores in hospital due to prolonged bed rest.Method: A quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. The number of samples was 30 participants, devised into two groups and each group contain 15 participants; group I mobilization and massage intervention and another group by only massage intervention. The measurement of pressure sores risks by using the Braden scale. Data analyzed univariate and bivariate using paired categorical comparative tests (Marginal Homogeneity Test) and unpaired (Chi Square).Results: Showed that the risk of pressure wounds before mobilization and massage in group I was 66.7% with a high risk, while 66.7% at post-intervention was a moderate risk. The risk of pressure wounds before mobilization in group II was 53.3% with a high risk, while at post-intervention was 53.3% with moderate risk. There was a difference in the risk of pressure sores before and after mobilization and massage in group I p Value 0.001 (< 0.05). There was a difference in the risk of pressure sores before and after mobilization in group II p-value 0.008 (<0.05). There was no difference in the risk of pressure sores between the groups that were given the mobilization and the message with the groups that were given the mobilization (p 0.456).Conclusion: Implementing mobilization and massage can reduce the risk of pressure sores in bed rest patients, but the risk of pressure exertion between the group that was given the mobilization and the message with the group that was given the mobilization was not different. Recommended that nurses be able to carry out preventive care for the risk of pressure sores with mobilization and massage.Keywords: Prevention; Pressure sores ; Hospital; Bed rest; Mobilization; MassagePendahuluan: Luka tekan adalah luka terlokalisir pada jaringan di atas tulang yang menonjol akibat tekanan terus menerus dalam jangka waktu lama. Luka tekan meningkatkan mortalitas dan lama hari perawatan. Pencegahan luka tekan dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan mobilisasi serta massage. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh mobilisasi dan massage terhadap risiko luka tekan pada pasien tirah baringMetode: Penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest posttest non-equivalent control group design. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 partisipan yaitu 15 sampel kelompok I yang diberikan mobilisasi dan massage serta 15 sampel kelompok II yang hanya diberikan mobilisasi, diambil dengan teknik accidental sampling. Pengukuran risiko luka tekan menggunakan skala Braden. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji komparatif kategorik berpasangan (Marginal Homogeneity Test) dan tidak berpasangan (Chi Square).Hasil: Menunjukkan risiko luka tekan sebelum dilakukan mobilisasi dan massage pada kelompok I sebesar 66,7% dengan risiko tinggi sedangkan saat posttest 66,7% dengan risiko sedang. Risiko luka tekan sebelum dilakukan mobilisasi pada kelompok II sebesar 53,3% dengan risiko tinggi sedangkan saat posttest 53,3% dengan risiko sedang. Terdapat perbedaan risiko luka tekan sebelum dan setelah dilakukan mobilisasi dan massage pada kelompok I (p 0,001). Terdapat perbedaan risiko luka tekan sebelum dan setelah dilakukan mobilisasi pada kelompok II (p 0,008). Tidak terdapat perbedaan risiko luka tekan antara kelompok yang diberikan mobilisasi dan message dengan kelompok yang diberikan mobilisasi (p 0,456).Simpulan: Pelaksanaan mobilisasi dan massage mampu menurunkan risiko luka tekan pada pasien tirah baring, akan tetapi risiko lukan tekan antara kelompok yang diberikan mobilisasi dan message dengan kelompok yang diberikan mobilisasi tidak terdapat perbedaan. Disarankan perawat dapat melakukan perawatan pencegahan risiko luka tekan dengan mobilisasi dan massage.
The effect of celery (apium graveolens) leaf and bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum wight) on the blood pressure in pre-elderly with primary hypertensionBackground: Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is as medical condition in which the blood pressure in arteries is persistently elevated. This condition can increase risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, kidney failure, heart attack, and kidney damage. Hypertension requires proper treatment to prevent uncontrolled blood pressure that can cause damaged organs. One of traditional treatment for hypertension is using celery leaves (Apium graveolens L) and bay leaves (Syzygium polyantum).Purpose: This research is to determine the difference of blood pressure after the consumption of boiled water celery leaves and bay leaves in pre-elderly with hypertension at Cigugur Tengah Public Health Center.Method: The type of this research is the numerical comparative analytic with Quasi Experiment design with Non Equivalent Control Group Design. This research used purposive sampling technique using 22 responden with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data collection was performed by measuring the blood pressure before and after the consumption of celery leaves and bay leaves boiled water that consume twice a day in one week. The data are processed including univariate and bivariate data analysis.Results: The statistical result of T-independent test obtain p value of 0,365 > α (0,05) for the systolic blood pressure and 0,574 > α (0,05) for diastolic blood pressure.Conclusion: Result showed that there is no average difference of blood pressure in group intervention boiled water of celery leaves and bay leaves after consumption of boiled water celery leaves and bay leaves. However, both intervention have decreased blood pressure of hypertension patient.Suggestion of this research is to consume boiled water of celery leaves and bay leaves for longer time as additional therapy for hypertension patient.Keywords: Pre-elderly; Celery leaf; Bay leaf; Primary hypertensionPendahuluan: Hipertensi merupakan suatu keadaan tekanan darah yang tinggi di dalam arteri, sehingga meningkatkan risiko terhadap penyakit-penyakit yang berhubungan dengan kardiovaskuler seperti stroke, gagal ginjal, serangan jantung, dan kerusakan ginjal. Hipertensi membutuhkan penanganan yang tepat untuk mencegah tidak terkontrolnya tekanan darah yang dapat menyebabkan organ tubuh menjadi rusak. Salah satu pengobatan alami hipertensi yang dilakukan adalah pengobatan dengan menggunakan daun seledri (Apium graveolens L) dan daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum).Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan tekanan darah sesudah pemberian air rebusan daun seledri dan air rebusan daun salam terhadap penurun tekanan darah pada pra lansia dengan hipertensi primerMetode: Analitik komparatif numerik tidak berpasangan dengan desain Quasi Eksperimen dengan rancangan Non Equivalent Control Group. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 22 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengukur tekanan darah responden sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan dua kali sehari selama satu minggu. Pengolahan dengan menggunkan uji T-independent diperoleh nilai p value tekanan darah sistolik 0,365 > α (0,05) dan p value tekanan darah diastolik 0,574 > α (0,05).Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan rerata tekanan darah pada kelompok intervensi baik yang diberikan air rebusan daun seledri dan air rebusan daun salam.Simpulan: Terdapat penurunan tekanan darah dari kedua kelompok intervensi tersebut bagi penderita hipertensi. Saran dari penelitian ini diharapkan penderita yang mengalami hipertensi dapat mengaplikasikan air rebusan daun seledri dan air rebusan daun salam dalam kurun waktu lama sebagai tambahan terapi untuk hipertensi.
Prediction in 2030, the number of deaths due to Diabetes Mellitus (DM) will increase and become the seventh cause of death. The role of patients in managing DM is vital because DM is a chronic disease that will suffer for life. Foot exercise is one type of exercise to apply to DM patients. Diabetic foot exercise improves blood circulation and foot sensitivity. This study aims to inform readers about the effectiveness of foot exercise in overcoming DM type 2. This study is qualitative with a literature review. The analysis used inductive content to identify the main themes in the related literature. This article explores the indexed national and international journals of Scopus, Sinta, and Copernicus. There is an effect of diabetes mellitus foot exercise on improving the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes. Foot exercise provides comfort, reduces pain, and nerve damage, controls blood sugar, increases blood circulation in the feet, and improves symptoms of peripheral neuropathy such as tingling and numbness.
ABSTRAK Pelatihan praktek langsung merupakan upaya yang sangat strategis dalam meningkatkan kompetensi perawat untuk berpikir kritis dalam pengelolaan kasus menggunakan proses keperawatan. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengidentifikasi proses pengelolaan kasus yang didasarkan pada berpikir kritis dengan pendekatan proses keperawatan di SHBC Bandung dengan cara observasi dan pemberian pelatihan berfikir kritis dan terlibat langsung di lapangan SHBC. Maka diadakan pelatihan berfikir kritis terkait dengan kasus dengan pendekatan 3S (Standar Diagnosa keperawatan Indonesia (SDKI), Standar Luaran keperawatan Indonesia (SLKI) dan Standar Intervensi keperawatan Indonesia (SIKI). Pelatihan hybrid learning yaitu dengan Online dn Offline. Pelatihan pengabdian ini di fasilitasi oleh Fakultas Ilmu dan Tekhnologi Kesehatan, UNJANI, Departemen keperawatan SHBC dan Diklat SHBC. Pelatihan ini melibatkan 34 orang, terdiri dari KaUnit, CI Unit, Penanggung Jawab Shift dan Perawat pelaksana di lingkungan SHBC dengan melibatkan mereka didapatkan hasil yang signifikan dalam proses berfikir kritis dalam mengelola asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan 3S. Langkah praktis dalam pelatihan ini dengan pemberian materi terkait berfikir kritis, kemudian Pre test dan post test terkait pengetahuan dan pemaparan 3 Kasus yang di Kelola oleh perawat di ruangan masing masing. Dari hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini terkait pelatihan ini didapatkan hasil yang baik terkait pengetahaun berfikir kritis dari 50 % menjadi 80 %, 3S dan aplikasi penggunaan 3S dalam pengelolaan asuhan keperawatan, juga peningkatan terkait pengetahuan berfikir Kritis. Kata Kunci : Berfikir kritis, Standar 3S, Pengabdian Masyarakat ABSTRACT Direct practical training is a very strategic effort in improving the competence of nurses to think critically in case management using the nursing process. The purpose of this community service is to identify the case management process based on critical thinking with the nursing process approach at SHBC Bandung by observing and providing critical thinking training and being directly involved in the SHBC field. Then a critical thinking training was held related to cases with a 3S approach (Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards (SDKI), Indonesian Nursing Outcomes Standards (SLKI), and Indonesian Nursing Intervention Standards (SIKI). Hybrid learning training, namely Online and Offline. This service training was facilitated by the Faculty of Health Science and Technology, The University of Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi, SHBC Nursing Department, and SHBC Training and Education. This training involved 34 people, consisting of Heads of Units, CI Units, Shift Managers, and Nurse Practitioners in the SHBC environment. By involving them, significant results were obtained in the critical thinking process in managing nursing care based on 3S. Practical steps in this training are by providing material related to critical thinking, then pre-test and post-test related to knowledge and exposure of 3 cases managed by nurses in their respective rooms. From the results of this community service related to this training, the results obtained well for pe knowledge of critical thinking from 50% to 80%, 3S and the application of using 3S in the management of nursing care, as well as improvements related to critical thinking knowledge. Keywords: critical thinking, 3S Standard, community service
ABSTRAK Komisi bersama Amerika serikat antara tahun 1995 sampai 2006 menyebutkan bahwa Kesalahan dalam komunikasi adalah penyebab utama peristiwa 25000-30000 kejadian buruk menyebabkan cacat permanen 11% kejadian buruk ini adalah karena masalah komunikasi yang berbeda 6% (WHO, 2007). Di Indonesia data tentang kejadian tidak diharapkan (KTD) apalagi kejadian nyaris cedera (KNC) masih langka, namun di lain pihak terjadi peningkatan tuduhan “mal praktek”. Komunikasi effectif adalah salah satu Sasaran keselamatan pasien, unsur yang utama dari layanan asuhan ke pasien. Santosa Hospital Bandung Central (SHBC) menggunakan komunikasi SBAR dalam komunikasi antara perawat dengan dokter dalam handover, tapi masih ada unsur yang kurang dalam komponen mengenalakan diri perawat saat menelpon dokter dan juga terkait dengan aspek rekomendasi dan dokumentasi dalam catatan keperawatan. Melihat hal ini, pentingnya penerapan kominikasi yang effectif antara perawat dan dokter yang belum konsisten dalam penerapan komunikasi SBAR ini, maka diadakan pelatihan SISBAR ( Salam Introduction Situation Background Asessment dan Recommendation). Pelatihan ini menggunakan aplikasi zoom meeting dan langsung. Pelatihan pengabdian ini di fasilitasi oleh Pendidikan STIKES A Yani, Departemen keperawatan SHBC dan Diklat SHBC. Pelatihan ini melibatkan 35 orang, terdiri dari KaUnit di lingkungan SHBC, CI dan Penanggung Jawab (PJ) tim di tiap Ruangan. Dengan melibatkan mereka di harapkan setelah pelatihan akan didapatkan hasil yang signifikan dalam proses pelaporan SISBAR ini. Dari hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini terkait pelatihan ini didapatkan hasil yang baik pengetahaun SISBAR, juga peningkatan terkait pelaksanaan SISBAR di ruangan juga role play pembuatan vidio SISBAR yang sudah baik dan observasi langsung pada 20 orang di ruang perawatan. Kata Kunci : SISBAR, Kemunikasi efectif, Handover ABSTRACT The United States Joint Commission between 1995 and 2006 states that communication errors are the main cause of 25,000-30000 adverse events causing permanent disability 11% of these adverse events are due to communication problems about 6 % (WHO, 2007). In Indonesia, data on unexpected incidents (KTD) especially near-injury incidents (KNC) are still scarce, but on the other hand, there is an increase in accusations of “malpractice”. Effective communication is one of the goals of patient safety, a major element of patient care. Santosa Hospital Bandung Central (SHBC) uses SBAR communication in communication between nurses and doctors in handovers, but there are still elements that are lacking in the component of recognizing nurses when calling doctors and also related to aspects of recommendations and documentation in nursing records. Seeing this, the importance of implementing effective communication between nurses and doctors who have not been consistent in implementing SBAR communication, a SISBAR training (Salam Introduction Situation Background Assessment and Recommendation) was held. This training uses the zoom meeting application and directs in the ward. This community service training was facilitated by STIKES Jenderal A Yani Cimahi, SHBC Nursing Department, and SHBC Education and Training. This training involved 35 people, consisting of the Unit in the SHBC, CI, and Person in Charge (PJ) team in each ward. By involving them, it is hoped that after the training there will be significant results in the SISBAR reporting process. From the results of this community service related to this training, there were good results in SISBAR knowledge, as well as improvements related to the implementation of SISBAR in the wards as well as the role play of making good SISBAR videos and direct observation of 20 people in the wards. Keywords: SISBAR, Effective Communication, Handover
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