One of the efforts in population control of Aedes aegypti is by fogging, basil leaf is oneof natural insecticide that can be replaced with current chemical one that are commonlyused. Our aim is to measure effectiveness of basil leaf extract on Knockdown time ofAedes aegypti and effective concentration on spray usage. Twenty mosquitoes with sixdifferent intervention, each 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, positive control, and negative control.All intervention repeated 4 times in every 5 minutes for about 1 hour. The results willbe statistically analysed using one-way ANOVA. Results: concentration of 5% and 10% have KT50 with Insecticide Score of 1 and 2 respectively without any Knockdownconcentration; concentration of 25% have KT50 with Insecticide Score of 3 and WeakKnockdown; concentration of 50% have KT50 with Insecticide Score of 5 and QuickKnockdown. Kruskall-Wallis test p-value=0,000 (p<0,05) with Spearman correlation of+0,87 or 87%. The most effective concentration on Knockdown time of Aedes aegyptiis 50%. In conclusion, Basil extract can be effecctifely used as natural and alternativeinsecticide for fogging.
Masalah peningkatan volume sampah salah satunya terjadi di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Selain itu, penggunaan teknologi pengolahan sampah yang digunakan sudah tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang dikeluarkan, sehingga hal sangat berisiko mencemari kualitas air tanah. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui kualitas air tanah di tempat penampungan sampah sementara di Kelurahan Tembilahan Kota, dengan metode penelitian deskriptif. Populasi adalah sumur warga yang tinggal di Kelurahan Tembilahan Kota sebanyak 30 sumur, dan sampel berjumlah 5 sumur milik warga. Prosedur pengambilan sampel sesuai dengan SNI 06-2412-1991 mengenai metode pengambilan air pemeriksaan mikrobiologi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh analisis bahwa diantara parameter fisik air tanah, parameter yang paling banyak tidak memenuhi syarat baku mutu adalah parameter rasa dengan hasil sebanyak 4 (80%) sampel dari 5 sampel, sedangkan suhu sebanyak 3 (60%) tidak memenuhi syarat, warna sebanyak 2 (40%) tidak memenuhi syarat, bau sebanyak 3 (60%) tidak memenuhi syarat, sedangkan hasil pemeriksaan bakteri coli postif dengan hasil positif sebanyak 4 (80%) sampel dari 5 sampel. Total coliform dari hasil laboratorium sebesar (14000) tinggi. Diharapkan dinas kesehatan mengerah petugas kesehatan setempat memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar dan memberi penyuluhan tentang pengolahan air yang baik sebelum diminum, agar tidak terjadi pencemaran terhadap lingkungan dan sumber air minum yang terdapat di lingkungan Kelurahan Tembilahan Kota. One of the problems in increasing the volume of waste is in Indragiri Hilir Regency. 60% of landfill waste is disposed of in open temporary landfills. In addition, the use of waste treatment technology that is used is not in accordance with the regulations issued, so it is very risky to pollute the quality of ground water. Based on the background of the problems above. This study aims to determine the quality of ground water in a temporary garbage shelter in the Tembilahan City Kelurahan, with a descriptive research method. The population and sample in this study were 5 community wells living in Tembilahan Kota Kelurahan. Sampling procedures must be in accordance with SNI 06-2412-1991 regarding the method of taking microbiological examination water. Based on the results of the study obtained the results of the analysis that among the physical parameters of ground water, the parameter that most did not meet the quality standard requirements was the taste parameter, with the results of 4 (80%) samples from 5 samples, while the temperature parameters were 3 (60%). qualified, color parameters as much as 2 (40%) did not meet the requirements, odor parameters as much as 3 (60%) did not qualify, while positive coli bacterial examination results with positive results were 4 (80%) samples from 5 samples. The total coliform from the results of laboratory tests is (14000) high. It is expected that the health department will mobilize local health officials to pay attention and provide counseling about the importance of protecting the surrounding environment and counseling about good water treatment before drinking, so that pollution does not occur to the environment and drinking water sources contained in the Tembilahan City Kelurahan.
Keberadaan jentik nyamuk Aedes aegypti dalam sumur gali sebagai tempat penampungan air alamiah dapat dipengaruhi beberapa faktor. Keberadaan jentik Aedes aegypti dapat ditemukan pada genangan air bersih dan tidak mengalir, terbuka serta terlindung dari cahaya matahari. Lingkungan tempat penduduk adalah tempat perindukan nyamuk oleh karena itu masyarakat harus menjaga kebersihan lingkungan disekitar rumah dan tidak ada tempat atau media yang dapat menjadi tempat perindukan nyamuk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik sumur gali yang berpotensi menjadi tempat perkembangbiakan nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Desa Salo Timur Kecamatan Salo Tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah sumur gali yang berada di Desa Salo Timur sejumlah 1033 sumur gali dan diperoleh 280 sampel. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada hubungan antara letak sumur gali (nilai p=0,012), keberadaan penutup sumur gali (nilai p=0,000), pH sumur gali (nilai p=0,000), dan Pencahayaan Sumur Gali (nilai p=0,000) dengan keberadaan jentik nyamuk Aedes aegypti. The larvae exitence in dug wells where it is a place of collecting and saving water were influenced by some factors. The presence of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae can be found in stagnant water that does not flow, open, and protected from sunlight. The environment where residents are breeding palces for mosquitoes is therefore the community must maintain the cleanliness of the environment around the house and there is no place or media that can become mosquito breeding places. The purpose of this study determined the characteristics of dug wells that could potentially become a breeding Aedes aegypti mosquito in Salo Timur Village, Salo District in 2020 This type of research was explanatory research which using cross sectional approach. The population of this research were dug wells around in the village of East Salo with a total of 1033 dug wells and 280 samples were obtained. Sampling using the Purposive Sampling method. The results showed there was a relationship between the location of dug wells (p = 0.012), the presence of dug well cover (p = 0,000), pH of dug wells (p = 0,000) and dug well lighting (p=0,000) with the presence of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. Suggestion, improve sanitation of dug wells to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
Sanitasi Dasar di Indonesia masih belum sepenuhnya diterapkan oleh masyarakat. Apalagi jika melihat masih adanya masyarkat yang belum memiliki pemikiran akan pentingnya sanitasi dasar bagi hidupnya, sehingga masih tinggi angka kesakitan akibat sanitasi dasar yang buruk dan masih banyaknya masyarakat yang belum memiliki fasilitas sanitasi dasar yang sesuai dengan kriteria dan syarat yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Kelurahan Meranti pandak merupakan suatu daerah yang berada di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru yang berada di daerah pinggir sungai siak dimana masih kurangnya penerapan STBM di kelurahan Meranti Pandak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi sanitasi lingkungan di Kelurahan Meranti Pandak Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Deskriptif Kuantitatif. Tempat Penelitian ini di Kelurahan Meranti Pandak Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2020. Penggumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposif Sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah diketahui sumber air bersih di Kelurahan Meranti pandak rata-rata 2.49 menggunakan air bor, kondisi jamban dengan rata-rata 2.24 berbau, rata-rata tersedianya tempat pembuangan sampah 0.67, dan rata-rata 1.21 keadaan SPAL terbuka dan berbau. Dengan penelitian ini diharapkan masyarakat bisa merubah perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat supaya terciptanya lingkungan yang bersih dan terhindar dari penyakit Meranti Pandak Village is an area located in the Rumbai Pesisir District, Pekanbaru City, which is on the edge of the Siak River where there is still a lack of STBM application in Meranti Pandak Village. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of environmental sanitation in Meranti Pandak Village, Rumbai Pesisir District, Pekanbaru City. This research is a descriptive quantitative research conducted by using the observation method. The place of this research is in Meranti Pandak Village, Rumbai Pesisir District, Pekanbaru City. The results of this study show that the average source of clean water in Meranti Pandak is 2.49 using drilled water, the condition of the latrine with an average smell of 2.24, the average availability of landfills is 0.67, and an average of 1.21 SPAL is open and smelly. It can be concluded that it meets the requirements for clean water sources, does not meet the requirements for latrine conditions, meets the requirements for landfills and does not qualify for SPAL. With this research, it is hoped that the community can change their behavior in a clean and healthy life in order to create a clean environment and avoid disease.
Kondisi rumah yang rapat sehingga sanitasi di lingkungan tersebut yang kurang baik dan tidak terjaga. Pembuangan limbah cair tidak memenuhi syarat seperti aliran pencuci piring tidak memiliki saluran khusus, kakus juga tidak memiliki bangunan yang tertutup sempurna dan bangunan jamban yang diseminisasi tidak sempurna sehingga adanya rongga yang akan mngakibatkan jamban terlihat kotor berpotensi menimbulkan kejadian diare di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sapta Taruna. Diare adalah suatu kondisi dimana seseorang buang air besar secara berlebihan > 3kali sehari serta perubahan konsistensi tinja (menjadi cair atau setengah padat) dengan lendir maupun darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara personal hygiene ibu rumah tangga dan sarana sanitasi dasar dengan kejadian diare pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sapta Taruna Tahun 2021. Lokasi penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sapta Taruna Tahun 2021. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2021. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif analitik observasional dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki balita umur 0 bulan - <5 sebanyak 393 ibu dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 80 responden. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan teknik “Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α=5% (0,05) dan derajat kepercayaan CI= 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan personal higiene (OR sebesar 3,367 dan p 0,017), pengetahuan (OR sebesar 3,000 dan p = 0,031), dan tidak adanya hubungan penyediaan air bersih (OR sebesar 2,893 dan p = 0,107), ketersediaan jamban (OR sebesar 2,280 dan nilai p = 0,144). Diharapkan ibu mengajarkan pada balitanya cara menjaga kebersihan diri terutama saat makan makanan dan minuman, setelah bermain, dan setelah buang air besar maupun buang air kecil The condition of the house is tight so that the sanitation in the environment is not good and not maintained. Disposal of liquid waste does not meet the requirements such as the dishwasher does not have a special channel, the latrine also does not have a perfectly closed building and the latrine building is not properly disseminated so that there are cavities that will cause the toilet to look dirty, potentially causing diarrhea in the working area of the Sapta Taruna Health Center. Diarrhea is a condition in which a person defecates excessively > 3 times a day and changes in the consistency of the stool (to be liquid or semi-solid) with mucus or blood. This study aims to determine the relationship between the personal hygiene of housewives and basic sanitation facilities with the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers in the working area of the Sapta Taruna Health Center in 2021. The location of this research was carried out in the Sapta Taruna Health Center Work Area in 2021. The time of the study was carried out in February 2021. This research is an observational quantitative analytic study with a cross sectional research design. The population of this study were mothers who had toddlers aged 0 months - <5 as many as 393 mothers with a total sample of 80 respondents. In this study, the researcher used the “Purposive Sampling” technique. The data was collected using a questionnaire, the data were analyzed using the chi-square statistical test with a significance level of =5% (0.05) and a degree of confidence CI= 95%. The results showed that there was a personal hygiene relationship (OR was 3.367 and p 0.017), knowledge (OR was 3,000 and p = 0.031), and there was no relationship between clean water supply (OR was 2.893 and p = 0.107), latrine availability (OR was 2.280 and p value = 0.144). Mothers are expected to teach their toddlers how to maintain personal hygiene, especially when eating food and drinks, after playing, and after defecating or urinating.
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