The general scientific methodological approaches (systemic, synergetic and holistic) to formation of future rescuers' professional readiness for working in extreme conditions are determined and theoretically substantiated. Systemic approach requires to consider future rescuers' professional training as a single system. Synergetic approach enables to simulate the self-organization of the educational process and to predict the development of personality in the professional field. Holistic approach defines a coherent concept of the activities in the field of human security and their directions.
The research purpose is a theoretical analysis and empirical study of content parameters of professional self-realization of future fire safety specialists. The author implemented a retrospective analysis and identified key parameters of the professional self-realization of a future rescuer. A summative assessment with the construction of a correlation matrix of significant relationships between key parameters was applied, and graphical visualization of the obtained data was presented. The psychophysiological state was analyzed at the training facility “Psychological training ground”. Significant relationships were established within the parameters: “Propensity for risk” and “Need for recognition” (rs = .291; p ≤ .01) and “Need to set complex goals and achieve them” (rs = .208; p ≤. 01); “Will, Openness and Democracy” with “Need for recognition” (rs = .219; p ≤ .01). It was found that the vital goal-value of “Will, Openness and Democracy” has a high operational capacity and is a key value orientation in respondents’ professional self-realization. It is generalized that obtained scientific facts of the empirical research should be operationalized in academic and professional training of fire safety specialists.