ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) menghasilkan desain instrumen penilaian hasil belajar fisika berorientasi HOTS, 2) mengembangkan instrumen penilaian hasil belajar fisika berorientasi HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) yang valid dan 3) mendeskripsikan karakteristik instrumen penilaian hasil belajar fisika berorientasi HOTS yang valid, pada materi Elastisitas dan Hukum Hooke. Penelitian ini merupakan R&D level 1 yang diadaptasi menv vjadi delapan tahap yaitu potensi masalah, studi literatur dan pengumpulan informasi, desain produk, validasi desain, desain teruji, produk awal, validasi produk dan produk teruji. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran fisika di SMAN 02 Kota Bengkulu, SMAN 07 Kota bengkulu dan SMAN 10 Kota Bengkulu. Berdasarkan hasil pada tahap potensi dan masalah, diketahui bahwa instrumen penilaian hasil belajar fisika yang digunakan di 3 Sekolah tersebut belum brorientasi HOTS sehingga dilanjutkan dengan dikembangkannya instrumen penilaian hasil belajar fisika berorientasi HOTS. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukkan bahwa 1) desain instrumen HOTS memiliki bentuk soal pilihan ganda dan uraian, disajikan sebagai paper test dengan konteks soal di luar kelas (kontekstual) dan materi Elastisitas dan Hukum Hooke serta indikator soal HOTS, 2) hasil uji validitas atau judgement ahli dan praktisi berada pada kategori sangat valid dengan peesentase 97,14% untuk aspek materi, 98,33% untuk aspek konstruksi dan 100% untuk aspek bahasa, dan 3) karakterisitik instrumen HOTS mengacu pada indikator HOTS (pada level kognitif C4 atau C5 atau C6), menggunakan Kata Kerja Operasional (KKO) level C4 atau C5 atau C6, kontekstual dan menggunakan stimulus (teks, gambar, tabel)). Kata Kunci: HOTS, instrumen penilaian, hasil belajar, penelitian dan pengembangan, Elastisitas dan Hukum Hooke ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was: 1) to produce physics learning outcomes assessment instrument design oriented HOTS, 2) to develop physics learning outcomes assessment instrument oriented HOTS which was valid and 3) to describe the characteristics of valid physics learning outcomes assessment instrument oriented HOTS, on the elasticity and Hooke’s law subject matter. This research was a level 1 R & D which was adapted into eight stages, namely potential problems, literature studies and information gathering, product design, validated design, tested design, first product, validated product and tested product. The subjects of this research were physics subject teachers at SMAN 02 Bengkulu City, SMAN 07 Bengkulu City and SMAN 10 Bengkulu City. Based on the results of the potential and the problem stage, it was known that the physics learning outcome assessment instruments used in the 3 Schools have not been oriented HOTS so that it was continued with the development of physics learning outcomes assessment instrument oriented HOTS. The results of the research and the development showed that 1) The HOTS instrument design had the form of the question in multiple choice and essay, presentation of the questions in paper test, context of the question as outside the classroom (contextual), subject matter in Elasticity and Hooke's Law and indicators of the question in HOTS, 2) Validity test results by expert judgment and practitioners which was in the very valid category with a percentage of 97.14% for the material aspect, 98.33% for the construction aspect and 100% for the language aspect, and 3) The characteristics of HOTS instruments was referred to the HOTS indicator (at the cognitive level C4 or C5 or C6), used the Operational Verb (KKO) level C4 or C5 or C6, contextual and used stimulus (texts, images, tables). Keywords: HOTS, assessment instruments, learning outcomes, research and development, Elasticity and Hooke's Law
ABSTRAK Dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) dengan penerapan model Project Based Learning (PjBL) di Program Studi Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Bengkulu Tahun 2020 pada mata kuliah IPA-3. Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan meningkatkan literasi sains mahasiswa calon guru IPA. Sedangkan tujuan khusus adalah untuk (1) menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan Project Based Learning (PjBL) berupa rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dan lembar kegiatan peserta didik (LKPD) yang dilengkapi instrumen tes literasi sains (2) mendeskripsikan peningkatan literasi sains mahasiswa dengan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (3) mendeskripsikan peningkatan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa dengan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Classroom Action Research (penelitian tindakan kelas/PTK) dengan 4 siklus yaitu perencanaan (planning), Tindakan (Acting), observasi (observation), dan refleksi (reflection). Pada tahap perencanaan (planning), dilakukan beberapa kegiatan sebagai perancangan produk awal, yaitu: (1) pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yaitu (a) RPP (b) bahan ajar (c) LKPD (d) Instrumen tes Literasi Sains. (2) Validasi ahli (content validity) perangkat pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran valid. (a) aktivitas mahasiswa menunjukkan peningkatan yakni dari 3,62 pada siklus I menjadi 3,74 pada siklus II. (b) Literasi sains mahasiswa menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata persentase kemampuan literasi sains mahasiswa baik pada 3 aspek literasi sains yaitu aspek konten (53,80%), aspek proses (44,038%) dan aspek konteks (35,088%). Kata Kunci : Model Project Based Learning, Literasi Sains ABSTRACT Classroom Action Research was carried out by applying the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model in the Science Education Study Program FKIP Bengkulu University in 2020 in the IPA-3 course. This research generally aimed to improve the science literacy of science teacher student candidates. While the specific objectives were (1) to produce learning tools with Project Based Learning (PjBL) in the form of a learning implementation plan (RPP) and student activity sheets (LKPD) equipped with scientific literacy test instruments (2) to describe the increase in student scientific literacy with Project Based Learning (PjBL). (3) describes an increase in student learning activities with Project Based Learning (PjBL). This research was a Classroom Action Research (classroom action research / CAR) with 4 cycles, namely planning (planning), action (acting), observation (observation), and reflection (reflection). At the planning stage, several activities were carried out as the initial product design, namely: (1) developing learning tools, namely (a) RPP (b) teaching materials (c) LKPD (d) Scientific Literacy test instruments. (2) Expert validation (content validity) of learning tools. The results showed that the learning device was valid. Student activity showed an increase, from 3.62 in the first cycle to 3.74 in the second cycle. Student science literacy showed that the average percentage of students' scientific literacy skills was good in 3 aspects of scientific literacy, namely the content aspect (53.80%), the process aspect (44.038%) and the context aspect (35.088%). Keywords : Project Based Learning, Science Literacy
ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan rancangan sistem kontrol kipas angin dan lampu otomatis berbasis saklar suara menggunakan Arduino Uno (2) dan menghasilkan alat sistem kontrol kipas angin dan lampu otomatis berbasis saklar suara menggunakan Arduino Uno. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development. Tahap pengembangan dalam penelitian ini meliputi perancangan, produksi dan evaluasi. Sistem kontrol kipas angin dan lampu otomatis berbasis saklar suara menggunakan Arduino Uno terdiri dari komponen-komponen elektronika seperti Bluetooth HC-05 sebagai koneksi antara smartphone android dengan Arduino Uno, relay sebagai pemutus arus listrik dan Arduino Uno sebagai sistem kontrol dari semua rangkaian. Jarak maksimum jangkauan Bluetooth HC-05 adalah 17 meter tanpa penghalang dan 7 meter dengan penghalang. Adapun hasil validasi isi dan teknis dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sistem kontrol kipas angin dan lampu otomatis berbasis saklar suara menggunakan Arduino Uno memperoleh persentase sebesar 82,5% sehingga dikategorikan baik. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem kontrol kipas angin dan lampu otomatis berbasis saklar suara menggunakan Arduino Uno layak untuk digunakan sebagai pengontrol lampu berbasis suara. kata kunci: Bluetooth HC-05, relay empat channel, saklar suara, arduino uno. ABSTRACT This study aims to (1) produce a draft control system fan and lamp-based automatic voice switch using the Arduino Uno (2) and generate tool control system fan and lamp-based automatic voice switch using the Arduino Uno. The method was used the Research and Development. The development stage in this research included the design, production and evaluation. The control system and automatic headlights fan-based voice switch using the Arduino Uno consists of electronic components such as HC-05 Bluetooth as the connection between android smartphone with the Arduino Uno, relay as the electric circuit breaker and Arduino Uno as the control systems of all the series. The maximum distance of HC-05 Bluetooth range of 17 meters without obstructions and 7 meters to the barrier. As for the contents and technical validation results from the studied show that the control system fan and automatic light switch-based voice using Arduino Uno obtained a percentage of 82.5% and good category. Based on the data obtained can be concluded that the control system and automatic headlights fan-based voice switch using the Arduino Uno was eligible to be used as a voice-based lighting controller. Keywords: Bluetooth HC-05, four-channel relay, voice switch, Arduino Uno
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan minat belajar fisika siswa dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa melalui model project based learning dan metode penugasan. Penelitian dilakukan di dua kelas X MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Kota Bengkulu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasi Experiment Research tipe nonequivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang sebelumnya telah diuji normalitas dan homogenitas diperoleh siswa kelas X MIPA 4 sebagai kelas uji coba (eksperimen) dan siswa kelas X MIPA 3 sebagai kelas pembanding (kontrol) dengan metode penugasan. Jumlah siswa yang terlibat sebanyak 57 siswa yang terdiri dari 28 siswa dari kelas X MIPA 4 dan 29 siswa dari kelas X MIPA 3. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket untuk minat belajar fisika dan tes untuk kemampuan berpikir kritis. Analisis data menggunakan uji-t dua sample indenpendent dengan rumus t-test poolled varian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan minat belajar fisika dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa antara yang diajarkan menggunakan model project based learning dengan siswa yang diajarkan dengan metode penugasan. Minat belajar fisika dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa meningkat terlihat dari nilai posttest, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model project based learning berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat belajar fisika dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Kata kunci : Model project based learning, minat belajar fisika, kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa, ABSTRACTThe research aims were to determine whether there was a difference in physics learning interest and critical thinking ability of students through a project based learning model and the method of assignment. The research was conducted in two classes X MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Bengkulu city. Type of this research was Quasi Experiment Research type nonequivalent control group design. The sample was taken using purposive sampling technique which previously tested normality and homogeneity was obtained by grade X students of MIPA 4 as experimental class and X class MIPA 3 students as control class with assignment method. The number of students involved as many as 57 students consisting of 28 students from class X MIPA 4 and 29 students from class X MIPA 3. Data collection techniques used questionnaires for physics learning interest and tests for critical thinking skills. The data were analyzed using t-test of two indenpendent samples with t-test poolled variance. The results showed that there was a difference of physics learning interest and critical thinking ability among students taught using project based learning model with students taught by assignment method. Interest in physics learning and students 'critical thinking ability increased as seen from the posttest, so it can be concluded that project based learning model significantly influences the interest of physics learning and students' critical thinking ability.
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar fisika berbasis E-Modul. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang dilaksanakan dalam lima tahapyaitu potensi dan masalah, studi literatur dan pengumpulan informasi, desain produk, validasi desain, dan desain teruji. Sampel atau sumber data penelitian ini yaitu guru fisika dan siswa SMAN 2 Kota Bengkulu kelas X MIPA D. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu lembar observasi, lembar angket guru dan siswa, lembar angket uji validasi tim ahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar fisika berbasis e-Modul yang dikembangkan termasuk dalam kategori valid dan merupakan desain teruji karena mendapatkan respon positif dengan persentase total uji validitas yaitu 80,6% dan serta memiliki reliabilitas tinggi pada validitas aspek isi dan penyajian dengan nilai koefisien sebesar 0,9 dan 0,88, aspek bahasa nilai koefisien 0,79 dengan kategori sangat tinggi, dan reliabilitas aspek media 0,91 dengan kategori sangat tinggi.Berdasarkanpenelitian pengembangan dan pembahasanyang dilakukan,didapatlahdesainbahanajarfisikaberbasise-modul padamateri momentumdi SMAN 2 KotaBengkuluyangvalid dan reliable. Kata Kunci: Bahan Ajar Fisika, E-Modul, Momentum, Penelitian pengembangan.ABSTRACT This research aimed to develop physics teaching materials based on E-module. This research was is a development research conducted in five stages, namely potention and problem, literature study and information gathering, product design, design validation, and tested design .The sample or data source of this research were the Physic Teacher and Student of SMAN 2 Bengkulu, class of X MIPA D. The instruments used in this research are observation sheet, teacher and student questionnaire, test questionnaire of expert team validation test. The results showed that the e-module based physics teaching materials developed included in the category good validity and as a tested design for getting a positive response with the percentage of total validity test is 80.6% and also had reliability on the content aspect and served with coefficient value equal 0.9 and 0.88, the coefficient value language aspect 0.79 with category very high reliability and reliability media aspect 0,88 with category very high. Based onresearchdevelopmentanddiscussionconducted,resulting ofe-modulematerial design on momentum material at SMAN 2 Bengkuluwas valid and reliable.Keywords: Physics Teaching Material, E-module,Momentum, Research development
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