Abstract. The generalized minimum residual method (GMRES) [Y. Saad and M. Schultz, SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput., 7 (1986), pp. 856-869] for solving linear systems Ax = b is implemented as a sequence of least squares problems involving Krylov subspaces of increasing dimensions. The most usual implementation is modified Gram-Schmidt GMRES (MGS-GMRES). Here we show that MGS-GMRES is backward stable. The result depends on a more general result on the backward stability of a variant of the MGS algorithm applied to solving a linear least squares problem, and uses other new results on MGS and its loss of orthogonality, together with an important but neglected condition number, and a relation between residual norms and certain singular values.Key words. rounding error analysis, backward stability, linear equations, condition numbers, large sparse matrices, iterative solution, Krylov subspace methods, Arnoldi method, generalized minimum residual method, modified Gram-Schmidt, QR factorization, loss of orthogonality, least squares, singular values AMS subject classifications. 65F10, 65F20, 65F25, 65F35, 65F50, 65G50, 15A12, 15A42 DOI. 10.1137/050630416 1. Introduction. Consider a system of linear algebraic equations Ax = b, where A is a given n × n (unsymmetric) nonsingular matrix and b a nonzero n-dimensional vector. Given an initial approximation x 0 , one approach to finding x is to first compute the initial residual r 0 = b − Ax 0 . Using this, derive a sequence of Krylov subspaces. . , in some way, and look for approximate solutions x k ∈ x 0 + K k (A, r 0 ) . Various principles are used for constructing x k , which determine various Krylov subspace methods for solving Ax = b. Similarly, Krylov subspaces for A can be used to obtain eigenvalue approximations or to solve other problems involving A.Krylov subspace methods are useful for solving problems involving very large sparse matrices, since these methods use these matrices only for multiplying vectors, and the resulting Krylov subspaces frequently exhibit good approximation properties. The Arnoldi method [2] is a Krylov subspace method designed for solving the eigenproblem of unsymmetric matrices. The generalized minimum residual method (GMRES) [20] uses the Arnoldi iteration and adapts it for solving the linear system Ax = b. GMRES can be computationally more expensive per step than some other methods; see, for example, Bi-CGSTAB [24] and QMR [9] for unsymmetric A, and LSQR [16] for unsymmetric or rectangular A. However, GMRES is widely used for solving linear systems arising from discretization of partial differential equations, and