The purpose of study was to assess the genetic diversity of potato varieties of different maturity groups by SSR markers. Twenty-four potato varieties of different maturity groups (very early, yearly, medium, late) were investigated by 8 SSR markers (STM0019, STM3009, STM2005, STM2028, STM3012, STM3023, STM5136, STM5148) for genetic diversity assessment. To assess the genetic diversity of studied varieties, the cluster analysis was performed and the genetic distances between varieties were determined. As results of PCR analysis from 6 to 10 alleles were determined with an average of 7.88 alleles. The most polymorphic marker was STM2028 with PIC 0.89. The lowest value of PIC (0.78) was obtained for STM3012 marker. For other studied markers values of PIC were from 0.82 to 0.88. It was found, that the most similar varieties are varieties with genetic distance 3.74: Pravda and Riviera, Pravda and Vzirets. The most different varieties turned out to be Vzirets and Lilly, ESMEE and Opilla varieties with genetic distance 6.00. Thus, it was found that the major of studied varieties formed cluster grouts according their maturity groups.
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Purpose. To carry out a comprehensive study and evaluation of new varieties of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) according to the main economic and valuable indicators: yield, resistance to diseases and the content of starch and dry matter. Methods. The qualification examination of potato varieties for suitability for distribution in Ukraine (PSP) is carried out throughout the territory of Ukraine within the soil and climate zones of the Forest Steppe and Polissia in accordance with the Methodology for the qualification examination of plant varieties for suitability for distribution in Ukraine (General part) and the Methodology for the examination of varieties potato plants and groups of vegetable, melon, spicy-tasty plants for their suitability for distribution in Ukraine. Results. Economic and valuable characteristics of new potato varieties ‘Acoustic’, ‘Lady Amarilla’, ‘Sensation’, ‘Mia’, ‘Baltic Fire’, included in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine (hereinafter – Register of varieties), were studied. An analysis of the varietal potential of potatoes was carried out based on the results of the qualification examination of the varieties. It was established that the yield of the studied potato varieties in all years of examination was higher in the forest-steppe zone and exceeded the yield obtained in the Polissia zone. In particular, the productivity of the variety ‘Sensation’ by 29%, ‘Mia’ by 20%, ‘Lady Amarilla’ by 16%, ‘Baltic Fire’ by 19%, ‘Acoustic’ by 21%. Varieties ‘Sensation’ (24.3–33.8 t/ha) and ‘Acoustic’ (25.5–30.2 t/ha) produced the highest yield over the years of research. The varieties ‘Lady Amarilla’ and ‘Baltic Fire’ prevailed in terms of quality indicators: the starch content in their tubers was 13.7–15.4% and 13.3–13.9%; dry matter content 22.2–23.2% and 21.5–22.0%, respectively. Disease and pest damage was generally average, with late blight causing the most damage to crops in the Polissia zone. Conclusions. Based on the results of the qualification examination, five positive expert opinions were prepared for the PSP. All studied varieties are recommended for growing in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones. Cancer-resistant potato varieties are proposed for introduction in disease foci and use as parental components and obtaining disease-resistant offspring. Cancer-resistant potato varieties are recommended to be grown in areas where the disease is likely to be detected and used in breeding to obtain new cancer-resistant varieties.
Purpose. To define the main criteria for adaptability and determine the adaptive capacity of different varieties of potatoes tested in Polissia and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for use in seed production. Methods. The productive potential of potato varieties to determine overall species adaptability was analyzed in terms of yield. For this purpose, the coefficient of adaptability of varieties (CA) was used determined by their yield in the year of cultivation in ratio to the average yield of the year. Results. Over the years of research (2014–2016), under similar conditions of cultivation, the varieties responded in different ways to conditions of the environment in relation to the year of testing. The overall CA of 1.0 and higher indicates increased adaptability of the variety in the soil and climatic conditions of the growing area to changes in weather conditions during the growing season. In particular, in Polissia these are ‘Esmi’ (CA 1.12), ‘Catania’ (CA 1.06), ‘Constans’ (CA 1.03); in the Forest-Steppe – ‘Esmi’ (CA 1.16), ‘Catania’ (CA 1.12), ‘Constans’ (CA 1.00). Specific adaptive ability of varieties is manifested in high average variety yields in years favorable by weather conditions for potato cultivating. The increase in the yield of such varieties in Polissia was 0.4–1.9 t/ha, in the Forest-Steppe – 0.7–2.8 t/ha. ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’, ‘Yavir’, ‘Constans’ belong to such varieties in Polissia, ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’, and ‘Constans’ – in the Forest-Steppe. Conclusions. The use the coefficient of adaptability allows determining the productive capacity of a variety in specific soil and climatic conditions. The cultivation of potato varieties with increased adaptability is a significant factor in increasing the production of high-yielding potato varieties, primarily seed material of high categories for varieties rotation and replacement. In particular, according to research results, such varieties of potatoes in Polissia and Forest-Steppe conditions are ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’ and ‘Constans’.
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