When working with collection material, one of the main problems is the study of most of the samples in a cycle of three years and the annual partial renewal of the set under study. Therefore, only a part of the varieties can be directly compared with each other in terms of ecological stability, and the main grouping has to be carried out by comparing the behavior of samples with standard varieties under conditions of different years. Even well-studied varieties are not always suitable for such comparisons. When selecting the starting material for breeding, it is important not only to find forms with a high level of manifestation of quantitative traits, but also to minimize this level under unfavorable conditions for plant growth and development. The purpose of our research was to determine the stability and plasticity of collection samples of spring durum wheat of various ecological and geographical origins. Over the years of the research, the yield averaged 330.3 g/m 2 and varied from 434.3 g/m 2 (max) in 2015 to 188.5 g/m 2 (min) in 2018. This indicates that the genotype and contrast weather conditions of the years significantly affect the yield of collection samples of spring durum wheat. Stable and plastic collection samples of spring durum wheat were identified for yield: 193 THKNEE 8 (Mexico) (b i = 1.02, S 2 d i = 0.11), ARN AAZ-1.040 YRC-4M (Mexico) (b i = 1.35, S 2 d i = 0.12), SHAG 21 / CASCA (Mexico) (b i = 1.07, S 2 d i = 0.23), Hordeiforme 13-07 (Ukraine) (b i = 2.11, S 2 d i = 0.31). According to the results of our research, it was found that the highest grain weight per spike (1.90 g) was in the sample Voronezhskaya 11 (Russia), and the lowest value was in the sample Damsinskaya yantarnaya (Kazakhstan) (1.57 g). Among the plastic and stable collection samples by the grain weight per spike, the following samples were distinguished: DUN / MUSK 1 (b i = 3.45; S 2 d i = 0.07), SHAG 9 / BBUTO / 7 (b i = 1.61; S 2 d i = 0, 05), CASM 3 // SRN 3 ASAIH 15 (b i = 1.47; S 2 d i = 0.00), GREEN / SOMO (b i = 1.35; S 2 d i = 0.01) (Mexico), Lilek (Russia) (b i = 0.92, S 2 d i = 0.03), MAGH 72 FUTO ALG 86 (Mexico) (b i = 0.75, S 2 d i = 0.01), YAZI 13 (Mexico) (b i = 0.12, S 2 d i = 0.07).