The purpose of this research is to explain the effectiveness of online learning in growing collaborative learning of the students during Covid-19 pandemic. This research used qulitative research method. Data collection was through google form distributed to 57 subject teachers and the interview on the students who conduct online learning. The research results show that even though the teacher can utilize online learning application well, they still encounter difficulty in building collaborative learning among the students whereas collaborative learning is a pivotal thing in building active learning activity on the students. This occurs because there are various obstacles such as the presence of the students is in different places until it is difficult to do coordination, difficulty in accessing the internet network especially the students living in the region, the teacher finds difficulty in monitoring the students' activity during the online learning until the learning model is more on using lecture method. Therefore, the coordination and support from the government, parents, the school, even the teacher are necessary in creating online collaborative learning effectively. On the other hand, that online learning encourages the emergence of social distancing behavior and can minimize direct contact between the teacher and students.