“…0.8 % agar (to be kept in dark condition for 8 weeks), b Further development of shoot and roots on an embryo cultured plantlet. c Photoautotrophic system (CO 2 enrichment growth chamber) developed to improve seedling growth, d comparison between an acclimatized plantlet grown in a CO 2 enrichment environment and one covered by conventional plastic bag, e Plumule tissue emerging from a zygotic embryo and subsequently used as initial explant for callus induction, f-g different responses in callus induction media supplemented, respectively, with 200 lM and 600 lM 2,4-D, h Maturation of somatic embryos in a reduced 2,4-D medium, i aseptic isolation of zygotic embryos for cryopreservation, j rapid dehydration of sterilized embryos using fan-forced air apparatus, before being plunged into liquid nitrogen, k-l No significant differences in the morphology observed during the development and acclimatization of plantlets derived from cryopreserved embryos and normal embryos (these two photos are reprinted from Sisunandar et al 2010a, with permission) (P plumule, GP germ pore, NES non-embryogenic structures, GES globular embryogenic structures). Bar a, e, f-5 mm; g, h-1 mm; l-5 cm Planta protocol using CO 2 enrichment (1600 lmol mol -1 ) during the light phase was found to improve seedling health, growth, and the percentage of seedlings established (Samosir and Adkins 2014) (Fig.…”