The purpose of this study is to analyze the need for teaching materials for teachers and students of class VB in SD Negeri 1 Kauman according to the needs that can be practical, interesting, and useful regarding teaching materials toward more complete and strengthen the independent character of students. This study uses qualitative research method. The problem found in learning mathematics in class VB is the lack of variety in teaching materials so that students feel bored and have difficulty absorbing math material considered difficult. In addition, conventional methods such as lectures, questions and answers, and assignments given by teachers during offline and online learning also make students feel bored. Coupled with the online learning that is applied, it weakens the independence of students. The results of the needs analysis questionnaire show the results of 89.78%, which means that most students need. From the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that teachers and students of class VB SD Negeri 1 Kauman need a variety of teaching materials that can support the mathematics learning process, especially speed and discharge material. The teaching materials must be integrated with technology to increase the independence of students.