In this paper, we proposed a system to integrate optical and electronic instrumentation devices to predict a mode-locking fiber laser response, using a remote data acquisition with processing through an artificial neural network (ANN). The system is made up of an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), oscilloscope (OSC), polarimeter (PAX), and the data acquisition automation through transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP). A graphic user interface (GUI) was developed for automated data acquisition with the purpose to study the operational characteristics and stability at the passively mode-locked fiber laser (figure-eight laser, F8L) output. Moreover, the evolution of the polarization state and the behavior of the pulses are analyzed when polarization is changed by proper control plate adjustments. The data is processed using deep learning techniques, which provide the characteristics of the pulse at the output. Therefore, the parameter classification-identification is in accordance with the input polarization tilt used for the laser optimization.