he in ech re olu on ca tures the simultaneous a ac o a lar e number o technolo ies, notably mobile tele hones and bloc chain, which are usherin in e ciency or outreach to mulle niche mar ets. he use o mobile tele hone technolo y has e anded Internet reach to the e cluded, created ossibili es or business where ban s were not historically resent and is oten ally disru e. he bloc chain technolo y threatens to be e en more disru e as it may ull the car et rom under the monetary system as well as the ro erty ri hts as we now them today. he roli era on o actors and inno ators has created a con used landsca e resul n in di erent ossible scenarios, where ban s may ree e, ht, orm alliances with challen ers, or be orced into i ht by the i ech. rr s c r ind shta, ur undy School o usiness,