Mushroom production is a very efficient alternative to agro-industrial residues recycling. The proximal composition, content of macro and micro minerals, amino acid and proteolytic activity were assessed in the pineapple peel and in the bioproducts generated from pineapple peel and mycelium of Pleurotus albidus, Lentinus citrinus and Pleurotus florida. The bioproducts were obtained by semi-solid fermentation and drying process. Nutritional analysis was performed following standard methodologies. The data showed that the percentage of protein and minerals of the bioproducts increased and the carbohydrate content reduced after the myceliation by the mushrooms. All essential amino acids were found in the bioproducts and no contamination was observed. There was significant difference between proteolytic activities of bioproducts samples, presenting L. citrinus' bioproduct a higher value. These data show that the bioproducts produced have great nutritional value and can be used as an alternative food.