This article aimed to analyze, in a quantitative method, the undergraduate engineering programs offered at a distance model, comparing the year of 2019, pre-Covid19 pandemic, and 2020, during the pandemic. Among different areas of engineering, the article highlights distance education for civil, electrical, mechanical and production engineering courses. The exploratory research with a quantitative character collected data from 2019 and 2020 from the Statistical Synopses of Higher Education of the National Institute of Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP) and showed that the Covid-19 pandemic seems to have accentuated the growth of engineering in distance education. Through the study, it was observed an increase in the number of courses, enrollments, graduates, and engineering qualifications offering courses in the distance modality in relation to the year 2019. For future work, it is suggested that more research be carried out, mainly, to continue monitoring and analyzing the possible impacts of the pandemic on the training of engineers.