The development of social media in Indonesia seems to encourage the emergence of some opinion leaders. Since the rise of social debates on social media, several figures become new influencers in the community. These figures are not famous persons like artists or public officials. Instead, they are ordinary people that appear because of their ability to manage netizens' interest through social media accounts. This phenomenon happens to Boy BNR, a Facebook account. In the range of July-September 2018, Boy BNR's popularity surged because of various posts containing protests over the existence of singing birds in the Regulation of Minister of Environment and Forestry No. P.20/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/6/2018. This regulation categorized some plants and animals as protected subjects. In its development, Boy BNR emerged as an opinion leader in the #tolakpermen20 movement that created by Kicaumania Singing Bird Community to protest the P.20 regulation. In Kicaumania's perspective, Boy BNR was a hero. By observing social media activities on Boy BNR's Facebook account, focus group discussions within Kicaumania community members, and an interview with the Head of the Regional Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Ciamis III, this study maps Boy BNR's role as the leader of virtual opinion in the #tolakpermen20 movement. The analysis was done by using Marshall Scott's Poole adaptive structuring theory. This article describes the existence of Boy BNR as the leader of the #tolakpermen20 movement and defines the message conveyed through Facebook. Along with the influence that has been developed through social media, the #tolakpermen20 movement succeeded in forcing the Minister to exclude five singing birds from the list of protected plants and animals.