Unquestionably, with the Covid-19 epidemic, online media play a significant part in education nowadays. Therefore, Online media-based learning offers the biggest potential for learning. This research is the result of online learning that has been carried out for one semester. The aspect that is assessed is the outcome of the elementary school curriculum's study and development course. The research method employed was quantitative research with a descriptive (nonexperimental) methodology, with PGSD students from the University of Mataram serving as research subjects. The steps of the research process were creating the necessary instruments, gathering the data, interpreting the data, and conducting a conclusion. Data collection through testing of SPSS application was utilized for data analysis, which included descriptive statistics. The data is presented in the form of tables and diagrams. The research questions include, "How is student achievement in online-based learning measured?" Can student learning outcomes outperform graduation requirements? According to the descriptive statistical test, more than half of the students scored below the class average. Student learning achievement has been inadequate. More over half of pupils must retake the "Elementary School Curriculum Study and Analysis" course in order to pass. The ramifications of this research will have a broad impact on the future of online learning.