Simulations and fabrication of two novel multimorph based in-plane actuator designs are reported. The ~1mm in-plane displacement capability of the actuators is a two orders of magnitude improvement over existing designs. Possible applications include the piston actuation of vertical micromirrors and microlenses.Introduction: MEMS based Michelson interferometers (Fig. 1) are usually implemented using discrete components [1], which complicates optical alignment and hampers miniaturization. Microfabrication of discrete optical component has been widely reported, and can be used for fabricating an integrated interferometer. In such a setup, the movable mirror will be vertical to the substrate, and an in-plane actuator will achieve mirror motion. Typical values of in-plane displacements produced by previously reported electrostatic, electrothermal and piezoelectric designs are 30 µm [2], 40 µm [3] and 1.18 µm [4], respectively. These displacements are insufficient for applications such as Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), which requires millimeter range displacement.