Abstract. The paper presents an analysis of demographic and migration policies at the regional level and the mechanism of its influence on ecological consciousness, social-and-cultural environment and mentality. The attention is given to the necessity of increasing life expectancy by reducing both premature and preventable mortality and prolongation of a healthy (active) life by reducing disease and injury, improving the life quality, etc. The process of migrates' adaptation in the social-and-cultural environment is connected with the peculiarities of the regional mentality, which leads to the need of reaching an agreement, and, in the first place, is important for the sustainable social-and-economic development of the region. In this regard, attention is drawn to the mental foundations of law enforcement, in particular, environmental legislation, legislation on mineral resources and their use. The article proves the thesis that the agreement is possible through dialogue, even within the "forced consensus", to improve the integration process and, at the same time, to reduce differentiation.