The ultimate goal of tongue reconstruction is restoring the tongue integrity while preserve its critical functions(i.e., articulation, mastication, and deglutition) and minimize the morbidity profile of a selected reconstructive technique. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) used in tissue engineering became a therapeutic selectiondue to numerous advantagesas regeneration of damaged tissues withhigh quality without the formation of fibrous tissue, minimal donor site morbidity in comparison withautografts and a low risk ofdisease transmition and autoimmune rejection. Bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) areexpandable stem, self-renewing,embedded at the site of injury and motivate tissue regeneration and wound healing. In oral wounds, they revealgreater re-epithelialization, intracellular matrix formation,cellularity, and neoangiogenesis, thusspeed up wound healing.Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) application in medical fields is growingdue to the chemical and physical properties like biocompatibility, optical properties,facile surface modification and stability.GNP usage in regenerative medicine is safe if the implanted tissue is replacing a tissue/organresectedbecause of tumor.