As organization grows and develops in dynamic globalization, employee is a valuable asset for organization and the need for qualified human resources is increases. The purpose of this research is aims to examine the influence of Administrative Competence, Social Capital and Performance to Employee Career of Mercu Buana University, using path analysis method in quantitative approach. Sample of this research was 185 employees of Mercu Buana University. Result of this research indicates that there is direct effect of competence to employee career which values 0,259, there is direct effect of performance to employee career which values 0,218, there is direct effect of social capital to employee career which values 0,213, there is direct effect of competence to performance which values 0,342, there is direct effect of social capital to performance which values 0,300. Thus it can be explained that the most direct influence to Employee Career and Performance is Competence.
Keywords : Competence, Social Capital, Performance, Career IntroductionIn an increasingly dynamic competition, it is important to consider how the competencies, performance and employee social capital affect employee opportunities to innovate that have implications for career success. Ibarra in Aime (2012) describes improving relationships in the workplace can improve employee competence, identity and effectiveness of professional roles. In the case of employees working, will certainly experience the process of adapting to the work environment, where employees as members of the organization play an active role in the progress and development of the organization through its performance is supported by adequate competence according to the operational needs of the organization. In order to be able to do its job well, employees must meet the required competencies and accompanied the maximum effort so that its performance is good and supports the organization in achieving the goal. Thus employees are an asset to the organization. Chen et al (2015) explains that rewards and job opportunities aim to help employees achieve their goals and also foster professional skills that employees will be more motivated to improve their career growth than to move to other companies. Individual factors such as proactive nature and social capital can also benefit a person's career growth. Weng in S.Napitupulu et al (2017) perceptions about careers is career growth referring to promoted opportunities, gaining career development experience, remuneration, increased responsibility and professional ability. To get that goal, employees must show their performance. The management of the University of Mercu Buana is always trying to motivate employees to improve their performance that impact on improving the quality of administrative services to students. But there are problems in the management of employees because there is no regular rotation so that employees feel bored, lack of opportunities for self-development and not achieving individual goals, especially in terms o...