This study attempts to describe the symbolic importance of Punakawan in a Javanese Wayang Purwa version and the educational values of mass religious devotion played by figures of Punakawan in the Javanese Wayang Purwa version. The method used in this research is a literature study with a qualitative paradigm and with an approach to content analysis and historiography and character studies. The research results showed that Semar (a symbolic) not with my/the true faith admit this. Remembrance of the abode of either spatial tolerance attitude to the religious, the responsibility of discipline, confident hitting the ball pengayom, pamong, mentor and memahayuning bawano, and Work hard. Gareng always concerned or focused mainly their interests in his tirakat batin to Allah. Gareng was capable of making their own of personality which lithe, dynamic, all it is a friendly/communicative, love in the way of robbers were not at peace, curiosity, hard work, did not want to take the property of another, careful in acting, did not grusa-grusu, and gareng spurn and set at naught/greedy for the base gain craving of satan should know that when it came to worldly so that gareng got a lot of our house of a friend. Petruk, this figure taught the teachings of Islam, especially about tashawuf. He also had the nature of funny, friendly, honest and was as he was, rarely talked but once talking he made people laugh, surrender with dzikir and practice of the world to come.