The article deals with the structure of future dentists’ foreign language competence based on the analysis of data from scientific sources on the problem of research and own pedagogical experience.In particular, its main components are distinguished as gnosiological, activity and reflexive ones. Gnoseological component characterizes the system of knowledge in speech covering linguistic, deontological and socio-cultural constituents. The linguistic one is considered as knowledge of professional vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. Deontological part is described as the complex of knowledge, skills and moral as well as educational qualities for performing professional activity. Sociocultural constituent is defined as proper understanding of the culture of a foreign country.These constituents of gnoseological component are closely interconnected among each other. The second component of future dentists’ foreign language communicative competence is the activity one that reflects the ability to implement the acquired knowledge during practice. It consists of academic and foreign language communicative competences. The formation of foreign language communicative competence for future Dental Specialists is aimed at developing the skills of timely selection of appropriate professional terms, based not only on the content but also on the ability to grammatically correctly formulate sentences in practical speech and overcome the language barrier. In this way, the readiness of a specialist to use professional vocabulary in speech is realized. Therefore, it is expedient to introduce discursive and strategic components into the structure of the foreign language communicative competence.And the final component of foreign language structure is called reflexive element which involves the self-assessment of own achievements and the ability to increase their level.