Background: The problem of stunting occurs in developing countries including Indonesia. In Indonesia the prevalence of child stunting is 30.8%, still above the world prevalence, which is 22.2%. The prevalence of stunting in sub-Saharan Africa is 34.5%, in Ethiopia is 52.4%, and the prevalence of stunting in Congo is 40%. While WHO stipulates that nutrition problems should not exceed 20%. Stunting could inhibit linear growth, development and degenerative diseases later in adulthood.Objective: This review discussed the risk factors of child stunting in developing countries.Discusion: One of the causes of increased stunting in children was due to inadequate nutritional intake in a long period. Stunting was often not realized by parents and only visible after the age of 2 due to low stature. Based on the results of the literature review the likelihood of stunting in developing country were: 16.43 times morelikely due to low birth length, 3.27 times higher due to maternal education, 2.45 times higher if the children were living in rural area, 4.5 times higher due to low birth weight, no risk Antenatal Care increase the risk 3.4 times, 6.38 times higher due to no immunization, and no exclusive breastfeeding increase the risk of stunting 4.0 times.Conclusion: The risk factor for child stunting in developing countries are exclusive breastfeeding, socioeconomic, low birth weight, length of birth, low maternal education, infectious disease.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Masalah stunting (stunting) yang terjadi di Negara Berkembang seperti Indonesia masih tinggi yaitu 30,8% masih di atas dunia yaitu 22,2%. Stunting di sub sahara Afrika 34,5%, di Ethiopia 52,4%, prevalensi stunting di Congo 40%. Word Health Organization sudah menentukan bahwa terjadinya masalah gizi suatu negara sebaiknya kurang dari 20%. Stunting memiliki risiko gangguan pertumbuhan, perkembangan dan penyakit degeneratif pada usia dewasa nanti.Tujuan: Review ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risikos apa saja yang dapat menentukan terjadinya stunting anak di Negara berkembang.Ulasan: Berdasarkan dari beberapa hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa salah satu penyebab stunting pada anak adalah karena tidak terpenuhinya gizi yang baik pada kurun waktu yang panjang dan sering kali tidak disadari oleh orang tuanya sehingga setelah anak usia di atas 2 tahun baru terlihat bahwa anaknya mengalami stunting. Berdasarkan hasil literatur review menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko terjadinya stunting adalah panjang lahir berisiko 16,43 kali, pendidikan ibu yang rendah berisiko 3,27 kali, serta anak yang tinggal di desa berisiko 2,45 kali, BBLR berisiko 4,5 kali, tidak ANC berisiko 3,4 kali, tidak imunisasi berisiko 6,38 kali, dan tidak ASI Eksklusif berisiko 4,0 kali adalah merupakan faktor risiko stunting anak di negara berkembang.Kesimpulan: Hasil sintesis ini secara konsisten yang menjadi faktor risikos terjadinya stunting pada anak di negara berkembang adalah tidak diberikan ASI eksklusif, sosial ekonomi, berat bayi lahir rendah, panjang lahir, pendidikan ibu rendah, penyakit infeksi.
Dayak Desa is a sub-tribe of a large group of Dayak tribes in West Kalimantan. Within the tribal community, it is estimated that there are still several traditional healers (battra) practicing traditional medicine. This study aims to identify the existence of traditional healers from the Dayak Desa tribe in the villages of Kebong and Merpak, analyze the species of medicinal plants used by traditional healers of Dayak Desa and analyze the similarities/ differences in knowledge of medicinal plants possessed by traditional healers and the general communities in Kelam Permai Sub-district. This study used an in-depth interview method to traditional healers from the Dayak Desa tribe with questionnaire aids, which contains questions related to the species of medicinal plants used in their practice. Data analysis was in the form of many species of medicinal plants used by traditional healers, plant families, habitus and parts of plants used, methods of processing and use, location, and sources of medicinal plants taken. The results showed that in Kebong and Merpak villages, there were still four traditional healers practicing traditional medication and using 59 species of medicinal plants. There are 39 species of plants used by traditional healers and also used by the communities, while 20 species others only used by traditional healers. The highest use is found in the family of Poaceae (5 species), herb habitus (37%), processing method by boiling (30%), and administration method by drinking (29%), and paste (29%), the form of single-use and mixture is quite balanced (49 and 48%). The primary source of obtaining medicinal raw materials comes from the yard (57%), and plant sources come from wild growing (59%). The knowledge of medicinal plants possessed by traditional healers should be continued documented; thus, the diversity of medicinal plants can be preserved for the next generation.
ABSTRACT Medicinal plant was used to solve the health problems by community both for prevention and medication. The medicinal plants utilization has a pivotal role on the sustainability and biodiversity of plants. Sambas Regency of West Kalimantan is dominated mostly by Malay ethnicity. They have different perspective in medicinal plants utilization, using a system of religion and belief that is continuously handed down from generation to generation. The study aims to analyze the patterns of medicinal plants utilization, plant use values, the degree of community approval, the most important plant species and to analyze the influence of socio-economic factors in the utilization of traditional medicinal plants, especially the Malay ethnic community in Sambas Regency. The study was conducted in Teluk Keramat Subdistrict (Sungai Serabek village, Sungai Baru village) and Tekarang (Sempadian village) where 80% of the population knew the use of medicinal plants. The data was collected by interview and observation to the head of the family or housewife with a purposive sampling technique. The data was analyzed using botany indexes i.e. Use Value (UV), Informant Consensus Factor (ICF), Fidelity Level (FL), and socio-economic factors using Chi Square test. The highest ICF value of 233 species for 103 groups of diseases, namely smallpox (1), promoting the brain (1), ear pain (1), and appendicitis (1). The highest value of FL are 81 species. The highest values of UV is sirih (0,4926), follow by kunyit (0,3312), sirsak (0,3185), bawang merah (0,2994), kalimao (0,2972), jahe merah (0,2314), kumis kucing (0,1996), saudagar (0,1911), jambu biji putih (0,1614), mengkudu (0,1486), pegagan (0,1338), kencur (0,1253), cocor bebek (0,1253), cengkodok (0,1168), and sirih merah (0,1040). The socio-economic factors that influence the utilization of traditional medicinal plants are gender, age, and religion. Keywords: Sambas regency, melayu ethnic, medicinal plants ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan tanaman obat merupakan salah satu solusi masalah kesehatan dimasyarakat baik untuk pencegahan maupun pengobatan. Penggunaan tanaman obat berdampak besar terhadap kelestarian dan keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan. Kabupaten Sambas merupakan wilayah di Kalimantan Barat yang sebagian besar masyarakatnya ber-etnis (Suku) Melayu. Mereka memanfaatkan tumbuhan obat dengan cara pandang yang berbeda yakni menggunakan sistem religi dan keyakinan yang terus-menerus dan turun-temurun.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat, nilai guna tumbuhan, derajat persetujuan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat, dan jenis tumbuhan yang paling penting serta menganalisis pengaruh faktor sosial ekonomi masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan tanaman obat tradisional khususnya masyarakat suku melayu Kabupaten Sambas. Penelitian dilakukan pada Kecamatan Teluk Keramat (desa Sungai Serabek, desa Sungai Baru) dan Kecamatan Tekarang (desa Sempadian) yang secara persentase 80% mengetahui penggunaan tumbuhan obat. Proses pengambilan sampel adalah melalui wawancara dan observasi dengan informan Kepala Keluarga atau Ibu Rumah Tangga menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan beberapa indeks seperti Use Value, Informant Consensus Factor, dan Fidelity Level, sedangkan sosial ekonomi faktor dianalisis menggunakan Chi Square test. Nilai ICF tertinggi dari 233 spesies untuk 103 kelompok penyakit yakni cacar, keremut (1), mencerdaskan otak (1), sakit telinga (1), dan usus buntu (1). Nilai FL tertinggi (100%) sebanyak 81 spesies. Nilai UV tertinggi adalah sirih (0,4926), diikuti oleh kunyit (0,3312), sirsak (0,3185), bawang merah (0,2994), kalimao (0,2972), jahe merah (0,2314), kumis kucing (0,1996), saudagar (0,1911), jambu biji putih (0,1614), mengkudu (0,1486), pegagan (0,1338), kencur (0,1253), cocor bebek (0,1253), cengkodok (0,1168), dan sirih merah (0,1040). Faktor sosial ekonomi yang berpengaruh dalam pemanfaatan tanaman obat tradisional adalah jenis kelamin, umur, dan agama.
Analyze Factors Related To The Nutrional Status On Children Aged 6-59 Months. Nutritional problem among infants is considered as the main health issue. Children under the age of 5 regarded to vulnerable age group. This study aimed at figuring out the factors related to nutritional status of children aged 6-59 months at publich health centre in North Singkawang in Singkawang city. Cross sectional approach was carried out in this study. As many as 96 children aged 6-59 months were employed as the samples. This study was conducted from March to may 2014. Meanwhile, proportional random sampling was utilized as the data collection technique. Then, the data were statistically analyzed by using chi square test.The study revealed were significant correlation of maternal education (p value=0,000), maternal nutritional knowledge (p value=0,022), parenting styles (p value=0,000), infectious disease (p value=0,000), energy intake (p value=0,000), protein consumption (p value=0,000), and nutritional status of children aged 6-59 months at publich health centre in Singkawang Utara. There were correlation of maternal age during pregnancy (p value= 0,877), number of children (p value=0,938), eating pattern p value=0,688), and nutritional status of children. Suggestion As a result, local institutions and public health centers are encouraged to enhance health information, particularly infants nutrition. Therefore, mothers with children under the age of 5 become aware of the nutritional status of their children.Abstrak: Analisis Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Status Gizi Anak Usia 6-59 Bulan. Masalah gizi masih merupakan masalah kesehatan terutama anak balita, karena balita merupakan kelompok rawan. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi anak usia 6-59 bulan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Singkawang Utara Kota Singkawang. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 96 balita usia 6-59 bulan yang dilaksanakan bulan Maret sampai dengan Mei 2014. Teknik pengambilan sampel proporsional random sampling. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan komputerisasi. Uji statistik yang digunakan uji chi square.Ha sil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pendidikan ibu (p value=0,000), pengetahuan gizi ibu (p value=0,022), pola asuh (p value=0,000), penyakit infeksi (p value=0,000), asupan energi (p value=0,000) dan asupan protein (p value=0,000) dengan status gizi balita di Puskesmas Kecamatan Singkawang Utara Kota Singkawang dan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur ibu saat hamil (p value=0,877), jumlah anak (p value=0,938) dan pola makan (p value=0,668) dengan status gizi balita.Disarankan pada ibu yang memiliki balita untuk bisa lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan melalui membaca buku menu seimbang dan media informasi seperti televisi, majalah, internet dll. Serta meningkatkan konsumsi Energi sebanyak 1600 gr/hr, Protein sebanyak 35 gr/hr (AKG, 2013).
Bukit Kelam Nature Park has a high diversity of flora, including medicinal plants. This study aimed to analyze the medicinal plants in Bukit Kelam Nature Park with high use value (UV), agreement of community's (informant consensus factor/ICF) in utilizing plant species for specific usage categories, and preferred medicinal plants for the treatment of particular usage (fidelity level/FL). Data was collected through field surveys and interview with respondents in Kebong, Merpak, and Kelam Sejahtera villages. Purposive sampling was used to determine the number of the respondent, and the number of respondents was 30% of the total number of the households (351 respondents). The results showed that 84,61% of respondents used 198 species of medicinal plants. Eleven species had high UV, and 5 of them were Curcuma longa (0,3761), Piper betle (0,2422), Psidium guajava (0,2308), Syzygium polyantum (0,1510), and Eleutherine bulbosa (0,1481). The high ICF for the usage category were for body odor, bad breath, diet, acne, nosebleeds, coughs, diarrhea, hypertension, and internal injuries. Fifty-eight species had high FL values (100%), and 5 of them were Erythrina subumbrans (fever), Heliconia rostrata (diabetes), Hippobroma longiflora (dysentery), Cassia alata (skin infection), and Baccaurea motleyana (sore eyes). Keywords: Bukit Kelam, conservation, local wisdom, traditional medicine
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