Two experiments were conducted to see if teaching poor readers to use inner speech could improve their reading and writing. In the first experiment, there were 8 third grade children, 4 in the experimental group and 4 in the control one, matched from a pre-test of reading. In the experimental group, the children were trained to use inner speech in 27 tasks, from explicit self-speech of the adult and of the child to implicit self-speech by the child alone. The results show significant differences between the two groups in the post-test of reading. In the second experiment, there were 6 students in second grade, 3 in the experimental group and 3 in the control one. In the experimental group, the children were trained to use inner speech in 18 tasks: 6 cognitive tasks that do not requireshort term memoryas in thefirst experiment, 6 reading tasks, 6 writing tasks. In the experimental group, the children were trained to use self-speech to process the tasks whereas, in the control group, the adult's help was mostly visual. The results were that the experimental group succeeded significantly better in the post-tests of reading and writing.Research on psychogenesis of literacy (Ferreiro & Palacio-Gomez, 1988;Fijalkow J., 1989;Fijalkow & Fijalkow E., 1992) shows that, in the beginning, children look at written language as an object just as they look at other objects in the surrounding world. He/she memorizes, for example, the shape of the words, their length, the shape of some letters, the first in the word specifically. To identify a written form, he/she recognizes it visually. When he/she begins to write ("invented spelling"), he/she proceeds in the same way : letters are treated as if they were objects. Words and letters are written in this period by putting a letter after another letter so his written product looks like a written text. In time these written forms are linked to a personal meaning, a meaning related to some characteristic or attribute of the referred object. These graphical representations have a symbolic value, as a feather is an Indian or a hat is a cowboy. "Milk" is a very long word because there is much milk in the bowl. During all this time, even if he/she learnt letters, and is able to recognize or to spell them, he/she uses them as if they were common objects.