Pada era digital sekarang ini proses pembelajaran dituntut untuk berkembang dengan inovatif. Salah satu upaya memenuhi tantangan tersebut adalah pembelajaran daring atau lebih dikenal dengan virtual learning. Pembelajaran daring menghubungkan dosen dengan mahasiswa dengan jaringan internet dimana saja dan kapan saja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan tentang pengembangan metode pembelajaran daring dalam proses belajar mengajar di jurusan Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PGPAUD). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan racangan penelitian pengembangan dengan tahapan identifikasi masalah pembelajaran di program studi, perancangan model, validasi ahli dan uji coba model dalam skala terbatas. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengembangan metode pembelajaran daring yang telah diujicobakan dengan skala kecil sangat efektif. Hal ini menunjukkan pembelajaran daring efektif, dan dapat diterapkan serta memiliki daya tarik bagi mahasiswa dalam belajar.
The impact of psychological factors on transformational teaching (TFT) performance has been widely considered in inclusive and special education. The main aim of this cross-country study was to investigate the role of bio-psycho symptoms (BPS), mindfulness and subjective well-being as serial mediators of the relationship between perceived stress and TFT among Indonesian and Thai special education teachers. A total of 368 participants--177 teachers from Indonesia and 191 teachers from Thailand--completed self-report measures assessing the mentioned variables. Descriptive and correlational analyses were conducted. Serial mediation analyses found that in addition to the negative direct effect of stress on TFT, subjective well-being was a mediator among Indonesian special education teachers, while BPS, mindfulness and personal well-being were serial mediators among Thai special education teachers. They can be recognised as partial mediations on the proposed model. Findings suggest that the effect of stress on TFT is weakened by mindfulness and subjective well-being. Importantly, special education teachers may benefit from evidence-based stress management interventions and mindful-wellness programmes to achieve better implications for their teaching.
This study aims to determine the correlation between parental income levels with the role of parents. The sample is 370 parents of affected by Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The method used is a quantitative correlational approach to the type of survey analysis. The results showed the frequency of parents playing with children before and during the pandemic increased from 38.6% to 62.0%. The results of the bivariate correlation analysis are significance values of 9,956 (Sig> 0.05) with Pearson correlation coefficient numbers showing a result of -0.003 which means that the correlation only 0.003. The correlation coefficient is negative then correlation is inversely proportional, if the income level is moderate then the role of parents is high and vice versa which means that Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted there is no correlation between the level of parental income with the role of parents in early childhood learning during Covid-19.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is one of the keys to the success of an organization. This current research aims to evaluate the effect of Professional Commitment on Kindergarten teachers' OCB. This quantitative research applies a cross-sectional survey design with an explanatory research type, with 145 Kindergarten teachers as the research subjects. The results show that Professional Commitment significantly affects OCB by 70.6%. In addition, teachers with higher Professional Commitment possess higher OCB in carrying out their professional duties. The results also show that the dimensions of Affective Professional commitment, Normative Professional commitment, and Continuance Professional commitment significantly affect the OCB of Kindergarten teachers. Keywords: Professional Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, kindergarten teachers
Penelitian studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penanaman kemandirian pada beragam kegiatan yang membentuk ke arah karakter mandiri anak melalui kegiatan yang ada di sekolah. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, kemandirian anak terwujud melalui kegiatan yang ada di sekolah, antara lain; 1. Pada kegiatan awal masuk kelas dimana anak masuk ke dalam kelas dengan melepas sepatu, peci dan tas kemudian anak meletakkannya ditempat yang telah disediakan, 2. Pada saat kegiatan inti penanaman kemandirian anak terlihat pada kegiatan merapikan mainannya sendiri setelah bermain, 3. Pada kegiatan penutup keluar kelas anak dibiasakan untuk mengenakan tas, peci dan sepatunya sendiri, kemudian anak berbaris dengan rapi tanpa bantuan guru. Semua kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat ditiru oleh seluruh lembaga PAUD di Indonesia dan dapat lebih dikembangkan lagi dengan menambah program-program untuk menstimulasi kemandirian anak. Penanaman karakter mandiri adalah suatu usaha yang dilakukan untuk membentuk sikap dan watak seseorang agar hidupnya tidak terus bergantung pada bantuan orang lain
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